Friday, March 19, 2010

So Thankful

So it really has hit me lately how thankful I am to be a stay at home mommy. Words can't express how much I love my job. Don't get me wrong some days are long and frustrating and there are the days where I miss being a school teacher but for the most part I couldn't love what I do more! I have friends who are working moms and I can't even imagine leaving my baby every day! I have been so fortunate to get to hang out with my son for 20 months! Now that he is getting older its become even more fun. He's become like a little buddy. He's older now and so therefore more fun to take places. He is actually understanding more so I can even talk to him some and he can understand what I am saying. We can take field trips and have mommy/son dates! I even love the days where we hang out at home. With this spring weather we have been taking lots of walks and enjoying our backyard too.
I can't say that I won't ever go back to work in fact in our house we have come up with a take it year by year basis. I don't want to think ahead and worry about the future. All I want to think of is right now it is what is best for our family. Next year Colby will go to Mother's Day Out 2 days a week. I might even talk to the people there about a subbing position. I wouldn't mind working parttime. I just don't want an every day committment. I want to be available to help out with Colby's little class. So we'll see I had once talked of subbing these last 2 years but can't make up my mind that I really want to. So who knows maybe next year or the next when he's involved in school I wouldn't mind subbing at the MDO but for now I am happy with my job as a mom. Some people might say I wasted my college degree but I don't feel like it at all. Luckily I majored in elementary education so I feel like I already use so much of what I learned raising Colby. So there it is I love where I am at and just so thankful that God has blessed us to where I can stay at home. I know it might not always be like this but I am sure enjoying my time!

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