Colby's new haircut!
Today I took Colby for his 2nd haircut. His hair wasn't completely out of control or anything but it was getting long and I wanted it shaped up before Easter. Its always sad though to see his haircut b/c after the first time he looked so big afterwards. We decided to take him again to the Children's Haircut place. They did a really great job last time and with him still being at the age where he will probably cry I think its best to take him to someone who specializes in children.
This time he did worse though then the first time. Not sure if its b/c he is more aware of things, or because he remembered from last time, or stranger anxiety seems to be coming back too. He was upset when we first got there thinking that we were going to leave him I think. Once he calmed down and got comfortable though in the surroundings it was time to cut his hair. He pitched a fit even when we tried setting him in the car now I think had she given him time he probably would have done better in the car. Honestly she seemed more patient with him last time. This time she only left him in the car for a second then moved him to a chair b/c he wasn't cooperating. Well then he was really mad. He screamed, cried, kicked, and jerked himself around. It wasn't a pretty picture at all. I hate that he acts this way. But this is the same reaction the doctor, and dentist get. I am looking for the day when he outgrows this. He just is so headstrong and doesn't want anyone making him do something. Luckily he's a good baby for us but he can sure pitch a fit when he's not happy with something!
Glad his hair doesn't take long to cut he was done in less then 10 minutes. Once he got down he just wanted to be held and get out of there. He looks so cute though with his big boy hair again although I do miss his long hair! But good thing about hair it grows back quickly!
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