Friday, March 12, 2010

The Great Stomach Bug of 2010

Warning: If you have a weak or sensitive stomach you might want to skip this!!!!!!

So to update from my last post apparantly Colby was not 100% better. Thank goodness we didn't go anywhere today to expose anyone to our nasty germs. Well all morning Colby seemed great and I was fine we just thought yesterday was a fluke and he was all better. Well sometime before lunch my tummy started feeling a little iffy but I thought it was because I hadn't eaten anything. So I went on and ate my lunch and then took a nap. Once I woke up I still felt a little funny. I just tried to ignore it hoping it was nothing. Well by about 4 when Colby woke up from his nap I still didn't feel good. Oh and also Colby had a rough nap he first awoke when he pooped again it was diarhea but I still wasn't worried b/c I know that can take days to clear up. After I put him back to bed it wasn't long he was in their crying which he never does. Well I went in and layed him down and left again. After that he must have fallen asleep. Well like I said I wasn't feeling well after his nap but he seemed just fine. I mainly layed on the couch and he played right next to me. Once austin got home at 5 I really wasn't doing well. I had already thrown up a little. He went ahead and fed Colby and fixed dinner for himself. Well soon afterwards I lost pretty much everything that was in my tummy. So for the next few hours I just layed on the couch in self pity making trips to and from the bath.
Well finally around 9 Austin said he was going to get me some Sprite and Pepto from Walgreens. So I hopped in the bath again it seemed like the only thing that made me feel somewhat better. When he got home we heard Colby crying. I thought maybe he had just woken up from all the noise. So Austin went in there to check and wouldn't you know Colby was now covered in puke from head to toe and so was his bed and half the room! So this meant another bath for him. Well my adrenaline kicked in and I ran to check on him. Well once he got in the tub I started feeling lightheaded again so ran to my bucket by the couch and lost the popsicle I had eatin an hour earlier. Wow what a night this is gonna be! Well finally I felt semi better and I was able to help Austin by rocking Colby while he cleaned up his room. Poor little guy just seemed so exausted! I just feel so bad b/c I thought he was over it! I mean maybe he didn't seem 100% today but he sure didn't act like he felt bad....he's tougher then me! So now we are cleaning up and trying to sanitize our house! Poor Austin I just pray he doesn't get it but chances are if Colby and I have it this bad he probably will be like this tomorrow!
I just pray I feel better tomorrow so I can care for Colby! I guess we will stay in again though b/c I don't want to expose anyone to this! Its not fun at all! So there we are fighting another somach bug! Didn't we do this in February? Oh well guess its all part of having a little one! Good night!

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