Colby enjoying his snack at Sunday School

Snacktime at Sunday School MBC

My curious little boy

2 little boys looking out the window Broc (2 years & Colby 1 1/2 years)

Colby playing Wii in the nude...this was so funny I always strip Colby in his room then send him down the hall to the bath where his daddy is filling up his water and usually he runs right in there well last night I sent him on his way then went in the bathroom and he was no where in sight so I walked out in the den and this is what I saw!

Enjoying our pretty springlike weather

looking at daddy's truck

just swinging
We are having a blast enjoying this warmer spring weather! We go out every afternoon and paly in the back and front yards and then take a walk it has been great!!! Thank you God for such beautiful days and time to spend with my family!
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