Saturday, March 27, 2010

Easter Celebration

Today Colby had his first Easter party type gathering. Our church held a celebration/party for the preschool age group. Infants-5 year olds were invited. It was such a cute idea! There were different stations that each told part of the Easter story.

Our first station was Palm Sunday parade. All the kids were invited to ride the donkey around the room while the others waved palm leaves. Colby really didn't get into this...he seemed really unsure I think he was scared I was leaving him. Our next station was outside to plant seeds. He enjoyed this a little more but was still unsure about leaving momma's sight. I think he just mainly liked being outside. So then when it was time to come in he pitched a fit. He was just in a bad mood all together! Then our next station was decorating cookies. I would say this was probably his favorite. He enjoyed licking the icing off his spoon and dipping his finger in the icing on his cookie. He wouldn't touch the cookie though! He also started to loosen up and walk around the room. I was just disappointed he wouldn't really interact with any other kids. The next station was washing feet. This was to demonstrate how Jesus washed the disciples feet. My mom (Grammy) was running this station. Colby was thrilled to be in her room. He wanted no part though of washing his feet but he did enjoy splashing his hands in the water. I didn't force him to take his shoes off since he was already in an iffy mood I didn't want to really make him upset. Once he again he kinda loosened up and had some fun. The last station was making tamborines and shakers. He wasn't into this at all. I couldn't even get him to sit at the table. All he wanted to do was walk around with a plate. After the kids made their instruments they sang a few songs. At first he seemed to enjoy the music part but quickly turned to tears and only wanted me to hold him. Poor baby just wasn't feeling it today. I hope if they do this next year he will get more into it. I was excited though b/c there were 3 other kids his age. A little girl Amara, Glenn Paul, and Broc.

Once we got home Colby did his "business" so now I am wondering if that was why he was in a bad mood. Poor thing won't poop in public places so that might have been part of why he couldn't enjoy himself. I feel bad for getting aggravated with him. I am just glad though we got to go and he got to experience it. Its good for him to go to things like this to get him used to being around lots of kids. I think once he starts Mother's Day Out in the fall he will be more outtgoing!

The rest of the day we just plan on hanging out at home we will I'm sure take our daily walk and play in the back! He still has the sniffles a little not as bad as yesterday though so I am hoping its just an allergy thing. Because he still is acting like he feels fine!

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