Tonight's b-day celebration!
So tonight we had our annual birthday celebration for Elizabeth and I. Her birthday is the 22nd Monday and mine is the 23rd Tuesday. Every year we celebrate with getting a carrot cake. We both love it! Tonight we went over to my parent's house. It was fun but boy have times changed since having a kid! Colby just turns into a handful at events like this. I don't think he's so much bad as he just gets overstimulated and overtired which create a handful of a 1 year old. He hung in there pretty good but my poor boy turns into a pumpkin at 7. It used to be 8 but now its 7. Which is a good thing when you are home but boy its hard when you want to do stuff at night. This is why we don't really do much at night. Oh well I know it won't be like this forever so I just have to look at it that way! So I am turning 28...I can't believe I am that close to 30!
Austin will have to work Tuesday so I don't know what we will do on my birthday besides me take Colby to Gymrompers...maybe Austin and I can eat out that night? We are going to celebrate as a family Monday by doing something fun just the 3 of us!
So again Colby was good tonight but he did get tired. He did love the carrot cake though which I think is adorable because his mommy loves it so! He also showed off by saying his prayer when it was time to thank God. He folds his little hands and bows his head! So cute! Anyways it was a good night spent with family!
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