Today is my 28th birthday! Its been a fantastic day! I just love having a spring birthday because it seems like every year God blesses me with a gorgeous day!
So I woke up today with 2 sweet cards from both my hubby and Colby! Colby and I headed to Gymrompers. It was a blast...Colby seemed happy to be back! He did so great I don't think he fussed once! He also made a little friend this was the first time he actually played with another kid I mean truly interacted and played together! They played peek a boo in this tunnel thing it was soo cute! It was a little girl I don't know her name but she was 17 months so close to his age! They seemed to follow each other most of the class very cute!
After Colby's naptime today he and I hung out in the back yard and soaked up the wonderful weather! We had a blast! Once Austin got home we went and ate at Trashy Mexican! Yes this is what I wanted for my b-day! The food is soo good and its a good child friendly atmosphere and they are quick so its a perfect place to take Colby. It was nice just to have a low key dinner the 3 of us! Colby is so funny too he chowed down on rice, beans, cheese enchilada, and guacamole. After dinner we decided it was still early enough we could go to Best Buy. We wanted to get Season 2 of ER since we watched all of season 1 and its no longer coming on TV. Ofcourse we ended up with more then that but I guess that was part of my b-day. We bought Blind Side and The Princess Frog both of which I haven't seen yet! So I am excited to watch them sometime this week! When we got home we did birthday cake and Colby ate his piece of cake...Austin and I are waiting until later for ours! Then we all took a walk. My birthday was nothing extravagent but it was was just a low key family day but I had lots of calls and messages from friends and family and it was just a great day! Thanks to everyone who helped make it special!
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