Thursday, April 21, 2011

Our Week

Whew this week has sorta been a whirlwind! Monday Colby and I went grocery shopping. Nothing exciting that day. Tuesday I had a doctor's appointment while Colby was in school. It was a hectic morning but then we both got to come home and take naps which was nice! Wednesday we had to go to Target to shop for Easter stuff and for a b-day party Colby was invited to. That night was ofcourse church. As always Colby was very happy to be there. I had a meeting during dinner but my parents said he did well. I also got to attend church. Colby was the only kid in the younger room. Both workers said he did really well though so I was glad to hear that. I am glad I am finally getting my Wednesday nights staffed enough that I don't have to work every week. I enjoy the kids but its also nice to go in church and see the adults!
Thursday was another busy day. Colby had his Easter Party at school and I had a meeting at church. I think Colby really enjoyed his Easter Party. I hate in the MDO program parents can't attend these but I do understand. I think next year I will be able to go to his parties which will be fun! He said they did an egg hunt and he had a cupcake. I provided cheese and crackers for the class.
He came home with a lot of little goodies also. I have still yet to sort through them and decide what to keep and what to throw away! I can't believe he's out for a week and won't go back until May and then only a few weeks left until the end of the school year! I am looking forward to his Spring Break though to enjoy some quality time and do some special things with him!

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