Monday, July 29, 2013

Library Playdate

So today I took the littles back to the library. Honestly I should have grocery shopped but our books were due back today plus I figured this would be the last time Colby would get to go for awhile. They did so good a few weeks ago when I brought them. I invited my friend Melissa and her children to meet us there. We got there early around 10ish so I let the kids pick out books and a movie before storytime. We finished that with still a few minutes to spare so I let Colby get on the computer and play a few games! He ofcourse loved that! Well we went and got settled for storytime and our friends arrived. Ella is 5 and will be in kindergarten with Colby and Eli is 3. Colby did really well having a friend to sit by. It made him venture off to sit on the rug with the rest of the kids and not hang onto me. Lindsay was a little restless though. She really likes the music part though. Well after storytime they make a little craft...Colby usually really likes this part and Lindsay did well last time too just sitting and watching but today they were both in meltdown mode! Not sure if they were just hungry/tired or what! Lindsay got set off about something...I think she started crying when we all got up off the rug then when she got over to the table Colby hit or pushed her and set her off again. At this point she was not having anything at all...she was making quite a scene. I was very flustered b/c Colby was smartmouthing and I was trying to talk to him plus help him with the craft. Lindsay when she cries she wants to get on the floor under something so that is what she did! The librarian came over to tell me she was stuck...I was like no m'am she's just pitching a tantrum she put herself there! Anyway one of those humbling motherhood experiences. I just felt like everyone was staring at me! I didn't get to visit with Melissa nearly as much as I had hoped either. Oh well it was still a nice outting. Colby did enjoy seeing his friend Ella. Afterwards we made a really quick stop at the grocery and came home!
I think the library takes the whole month of August off but I hope to start taking Lindsay by herself this fall!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Zoo Day

So I have been wanting to bring Colby to the Cool Zoo ALL Summer but we have been so busy! We finally had today as a free day and so I got my parents to keep Lindsay and we were going to go just he and I. I want to bring Lindsay sometime too but I couldn't handle them both by myself plus I wasn't even sure how much Lindsay would like/tolerate it. So we dropped her off at my parent's house. We got the Zoo a little before 10 and were ready to run to the "water park" as Colby calls it. Well while we were in line the guy who checked our memberships says Cool Zoo won't open until 11 today. Well we were disappointed but I figured well we will still have time b/c we didn't need to leave until 11:30 or 11:45. So we went to ride the carousel and train. Those things we rarely do when we go b/c we are always wanting to spend more time looking at the animals. Anyway Colby enjoyed those 2 things but he was really more excited about going to the Cool Zoo. Once we found out the Cool Zoo was not going to open up he was very sad. I felt so bad! He was so excited about that! I swear I have the worst luck! The last time I tried to bring him by himself when he was 2 that same thing happened to us! Anyway I tried to talk him into going to do something else but he was upset. I finally coaxed him into going into the gift shop! Its not really what I wanted to do especially since we let him buy a big shark at the Aquarium a week ago but I felt so bad! Anyway he picked out an alligator and we got it 20% off b/c of the whole ordeal! Now hopefully he doesn't expect something each time we visit a place! We did also get 2 VIP tickets to re-enter the Cool Zoo! So we will be trying this again next week with daddy! Even though our plans didn't work out it was still a nice morning out with my little man! I am going to miss these days I know when he begins kindergarten!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Shopping with Friends

So today we had a different sort of playdate. We had a playdate at the mall. I had been planning to take the kids Back to School shoe shopping today. I invited my friend Casee to go and she invited another friend Kelly. Its great to hang with these girls because I grew up with them plus they have children all around our kids ages. Jax unfortunately was out of town though but Colby and Lindsay still had other friends. Kaylen who is 7, Cooper who is 4, Mason who is 10 months. Needless to say we had quite a crew! I took the kids to the shoe store first. I ended up buying school shoes for Colby...he's measuring a size 11. Well luckily we already have some 11s so I went ahead and jumped up to size 12 I figure this way he will have enough shoes to get him through the school year hopefully! I also got Lindsay measured and got her 2 pairs of shoes. She measured a size 5.5. I bought her one pair in 6 and the other in 6 1/2. Hopefully that will take her through her 2nd birthday. Our friends met us in the shoe store. All the kids got measured which was fun! Afterwards Colby was very ready to head to the Disney Store to spend his b-day money. He ended up choosing a helicopter from the movie Planes! I can't wait to take him to see that! Anyway the kids had fun looking around in there. Afterwards we just browsed the mall for about an hour. Colby had a blast playing with Cooper and Kaylen. Lindsay did well in the stroller but got antsy at times. I hated I couldn't let her walk but I couldn't keep up with her and Colby. We all ate lunch together around 11:45. It was hectic but the kids did well. I just waited to eat until I got home besides nibbling on the kids food. I had a hard enough time monitoring them I couldn't imagine I would really be able to enjoy my food much. After that we came home. It was a fun morning glad we could do it with friends! We are well on our way to being ready for school in just 2 weeks!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Birthday Party Weekend

Colby has officially had his big 5th birthday party weekend! Well actually we have pretty much celebrated since Wednesday. Friday afternoon Austin's family came into town. They came over after the kids rest/naptime. The kids enjoyed running around and playing with Colby's toys! Its fun for him to get to play with his cousins here. They only get to come down once or twice a year! Colby looks up to them so much! I think the girls like Lindsay b/c she's the baby still too! They are 9, 6 1/2, 5, and 1 1/2. After letting the kids play for awhile we got everyone ready and went out to eat. Again another tradition we usually do is go out with them the Friday night before his party. We chose to go to Da Wabbit this year. We wanted to stay on the westbank and we had recently tried this place so we thought his parents would all like it. It was a nice evening but it did take a little longer so the kids got antsy. But they all did well considering. Colby was really fine and he ate excellent. Lindsay is still at that age that its a lot of work to go out to eat but again considering we were there like an hour and a half she did great! She no longer sits in highchairs so she actually does better b/c she can move around more. After dinner we picked up the cake and came home to prepare for the party.
Saturday morning we were up early and hit the ground running. Austin's family got here around 9. The party started at 10. We were excited about having his party here but man its a lot of work. We invited 20 kids. Anyway I think 14 showed up. We had Shelbi, Maggie, Colby, Lindsay, Sophia, her little sister, June, Christopher, Boston, Max, Jax, Christiano, Addison, and McKenzie. Most of the kids were ages 3-5 with the exception of his cousins which are 6 and 9 and a few 1 year olds. The kids loved the blow up water slide. We also had 2 little kiddie pools. The big kids had the pool and slide and we had a baby pool for the little girls. We let the kids play for about an hour. Around 11 I knew we needed to corral them to eat. I brought Lindsay in at that point and changed her also so my mom was a big help in feeding her lunch. Everyone enjoyed eating and visiting until about 11:30. We then did cake and presents. By this point most kids were changed and ready to go home. I thought everything flowed very smoothly. We finished up right at noon and everyone went home! All the kids did so well and got along great! I am so thankful for his sweet little group of friends. It was so nice seeing a few of his old school friends but also sad knowing that group of kids may never be together again. Our families stayed for a little while after the party helping us clean everything up. By 1 we were all exhausted. Austin's family left around that point to give us a little time to rest and finish cleaning up. It was nice to have a little down time. The kids also needed it! They came back around 3. Colby, Shelbi, and Maggie got to enjoy the water slide for a while longer. I stayed inside with Lindsay. At that point I had had enough heat and I was still tired from the party and busy weekend. We sat around and watched WipeOut and visited. My mom made us all chicken spaghetti to enjoy that night. It was nice that Colby and Lindsay got to play with their cousins more one on one that night. We also all enjoyed visiting and having some down time with family. They left around 7 though and by then we were all wiped out! We quickly got the kiddos into bed so we could have some time to rest!
Sunday it was so great having Austin home again! Having him off 5 days in a row was awesome! I had to work in the clubhouse though so Austin had to go to church alone. I am enjoying my new class of littles! I miss Colby but I feel like I can really focus more on other children now without my own in their to distract me. We had 7 kids. The kids range from 2-4. It was a very busy morning but I love it! Preschool is where my heart is! After church we came home ate lunch and let the kids play before naptime. After their naps we spent the majority of the afternoon just being lazy and playing with the kids. It rained most all day so it forced us to stay in and just relax which was MUCH needed! That night we ate dinner and took a walk which was nice to get out! I think by that point we all needed the fresh air!
It was a great weekend! Its bittersweet that his b-day has come and gone! I think we all had a blast and hate for it to end but also glad the hard work is over! I think all in all Colby can say he had an awesome 5th birthday!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Big 5!

So my baby boy turned 5 years old yesterday! 5 seems like such a big number to me! 5 is no longer a baby! 5 means big boy stuff and heading to real school...going off to kindergarten!
Colby is having a great summer although I think he does miss school. He loved preschool and did so well in it! This summer he has had tennis and swim lessons. We are excited about preparing him for kindergarten. Him and I have been doing "school" all summer. We have worked on shapes, colors, writing, patterns so far! He is coming along really well! I am proud of him for excelling in tennis and swim lessons also.
He has become a great eater. I guess now that he's getting older and he's so active he has quite the hearty appetite. He's not picky at all either which is great! I have no idea how big he is except that we wears a size 5T but can still wear size 4 bottoms. His shoe size is still size 11.
He is very friendly and has a wide range of friends. He is loving our new church and has really gotten close to several kids. He's sorta getting out of his shy phase but he can still be shy/quiet at times. He's pretty easy to please though and enjoys the simple things in life like playing outside. He LOVES animals and cars. We joke that he is so much like my dad he acts like a 70 year old man most of the time! I love his cautious little personality.
So we sure enjoyed his birthday! This was the first year since he was 1 that we all celebrated as a family ALL day! 5 seems like a big deal so we wanted to make a big day for him! We let him choose the activities for the day. He chose to go to the aquarium. I was glad he chose that b/c it had been quite awhile since we had been there. This was his first visit with his glasses and we could tell a HUGE difference. Poor baby probably couldn't see the fish before. B/c he was ooohing and ahhing as if he had never been there before. Some of it could be age and his natural interest in living things now but he was talking about all the animals. Lindsay I think enjoyed it too. She enjoyed looking at the fish...although we mostly carried her or put her in the stroller. She did enjoy playing in the interactive/play area though!
That night he chose to eat dinner at El Mesquite. It was such a nice family time. We had a great time just the 4 of us! The food was great and the company! Afterwards we took him to Parrot Pete's to pick a dessert. I hated I didn't have time to make him one but the rest of the week was just so busy.
I think he really enjoyed his birthday! We bought him train accessories for his train table, a blue scooter, and a large stuffed shark at the aquarium so he made out like a bandit!
He's really excited about his party Saturday at our house! I'm excited too it should be a fun time!
Update: At the doc Colby weighed 47 lbs and was 43 1/2 inches tall.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Park Playdate

Today was a free day for us so I promised the kids a trip to the park. I invited my friend Elizabeth K who has 5 kids. Colby is friends with Jonathan who is 5. I knew he would enjoy having some other kids to play with. Her son Grady is 2 and close to Lindsay's age as well although he recently promoted to the 2 year class and she's still in the toddler age group. Anyway all that said my kids should be entertained b/c they had no lack of friends.
We went to the park in Algiers Point. Colby always asks to go to that park and I don't always feel like making a 15-20 min drive that it takes to get there but I figured we had nothing else going on plus Lindsay had never been there! Colby had an absolute blast b/c there were a bunch of dump trucks set up out there and he and Jonathan played with that the whole time! I am not sure if he ever even got on the playground equipment. Lindsay on the other hand was extremely clingy to me...she didn't really want anything to do with playing. I am not sure if its b/c it was a new place and she was scared or what. We did end up staying about 2 hours! It felt good to spend that much time at a park and playing outdoors! I wish we had time to do that more often! It definitely made for good naptimes that afternoon!

Friday, July 12, 2013

City Park & Friends

Wednesday Austin was off and we wanted to do something fun with the kids. I usually try and give Colby a few options to choose from: I told him we could do the movies, monkey room, or City Park. He chose the park so that's what we went with our. Our friends Casee, Jax, & Mason met us out there too which that makes it more fun for the kids! The kids all played on the playground for about an hour. We were planning to do storyland with our kids while Casee took her kids for a picnic but when we realized there were a TON of camp children on a field trip there we quickly changed our minds. We went and had the picnic with Casee and her crew. Luckily I had brought a long a ton of snacks for us anyway. The kids enjoyed visiting and eating outside. We don't do that often enough so it was a great change of pace. I hate we didn't get to do the rides or Storyland but we will save that for another day!
Wednesday night we went to church. We hadn't been in 2 weeks so I was anxious to get back to that part of our schedule. It was nice going as a family b/c usually its me and the kids. They aren't serving dinner during the summer though so I had a meeting and Austin went into Prayer Meeting. I think Lindsay enjoyed her class even though she still cries when I drop her off. Colby has adjusted really well to the JumpStart Program. He goes upstairs with the big kids. Usually they do activities outside but because of the chance of rain they stayed inside.
Thursday I had a hair appointment. My friend Casee had told me earlier in the week that Jax wanted Colby to come play one day. We decided Thursday would be a perfect day b/c of my hair appointment. My mom still came to keep Lindsay at our house. I dropped Colby off around 8:30. He was very excited to go play. He hasn't been to many friend's houses this summer so I know it was good for him to enjoy that time by himself. I picked him up right aroun 11. It sounded like they had a fun time playing cars and trains. I hope we can return the favor and have Jax over one day next week!
We are having a great week! Enjoying a little downtime before school starts in a month! Next week we will be busy with birthday preparations!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

19 Months

Lindsay turned 19 months last weekend. Its bittersweet to think about how she is closing on 2! But she's also at such a cool, fun age I'm loving it! She is definitely getting more and more flexible which is great! She loves going places! She is still very dramatic and spunky! She's tiny also but tough! At 18 months she weighed 22 lbs so I would guess she is still around that. She is fitting in 18 month size clothes just fine but she can also still sport a size 12 months as well! She's talking more and more and starting to repeat things we say. So far she isn't really into characters or tv although recently she has paused and watched a few minutes of Sesame Street and she will say Elmo!
She is a REALLY picky eater! She loves cheese and berries but she will only eat when she wants to eat! She also likes to snack all day! I try not to let her but she will cling on my leg and stand in the kitchen until she gets food! I know she will outgrow this eventually. She eats whatever we eat although at most meals she doesn't eat a whole lot. This month we also took the bottles away. She did fine with the adjustment...she doesn't drink quite as much milk but she has about 3 cups a day which is fine for her age. I think it will also help with her eating.
She did really great in swim lessons and seemed like a natural! She's very strong and athletic! I think in January I will enroll her in Gymnastics. She will start school in September but right now I am just enjoying having her and Colby home. Speaking of they fight a lot but love each other! Typical sibling stuff! She's a pretty good sleeper but does wake up WAY more then Colby did at this age. She does typically sleep 12 hours at night and takes a 3 hour nap though so no complaints!
She is overall just a fun little girl! She has her moments where she drives me crazy but I love her spunkiness and strong will!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Well the kids and I finally got around to going to storytime at the library this summer. I think the last time we were there was probably December when Colby was out for Christmas. Anyway we had fun and I was impressed at how well behaved the kids were...especially Lindsay. She has been with us to the library since she was an infant. She did so well during storytime. She just sat on my lap and listened! Something Colby never did at this age! I mean I started bringing him to the library around 1 and he would wonder around and get into mischief! I was so proud of her. Colby really enjoys picking and checking out books also. He likes the storytime but he won't go sit up front and participate like I wish he would. He listened though b/c he would answer the questions! They took down his fav castle though so he was sad about that. He also wanted to get on the computers but I wouldn't let him b/c by the time storytime was over Lindsay was ready to go home. Anyway it was a great trip though! Something simple but we all enjoyed the outting and glad my kids love books so much!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Independence Day, Anniversary, & Family Time

This weekend is a big weeekend for our family. My mom and dad will be celebrating 50 years of marriage. I feel so blessed to have grown up in a family where marriage was a priority and they have chosen to make it work and stay together for 50 years! Since their big anniversary falls on the 5th our 4th of July plans have been a little altered this year.
So today being the 4th and Austin working the kids and I had a low key quiet day! We did go to the park mid-morning just to get out the house and let the kiddos burn off some energy! We haven't done many park dates this summer b/c we have been so busy! I think they both had fun but it quickly got hot plus there were some bigger kids there who were just being plain annoying. I think it did help everyone's mood though to have gotten out and enjoyed some sunshine! Afterwards the kids played well by themselves. Colby also watched Shrek...he doesn't get to watch a lot of movies but I figured a day like today why not? Its too hot to really play outside plus that allowed me time to clean up around the house. After their naptime we headed over to my parent's house to eat dinner and spend time with my aunt ree. It was fun visiting with her! Growing up she was my favorite aunt and I can see my kids are going to love her as much as I did/do! They both played shy at first but quickly warmed up. Dinner was a little crazy...anytime there are 2 young kids! Lindsay was grouchy for some reason...but she really hit it off with my aunt for some reason! She talked and talked with her! So adorable! We had to call it an early night around 7 to get the kids home and to bed.
Friday Austin was off and it was my parent's 50th Anniversary! I made plans with Elizabeth to go get a pedi! I can't believe that was my first time! I have just always painted my own toenails. I have been wanting to do it for awhile especially during the summer b/c my feet get so dry and cracked. Anyway I heard her mention last night she was going to go so I figured this would be the perfect time! It was fun having that girl time! I don't do stuff like that often so it was nice to visit with her and get a mommy time out! I haven't had many breaks all summer so it was very well needed! Once I got home Austin and the kids were trying to clean the house for mawmaw and pawpaw. I chipped in and also played with the kids some! His parents got here around lunchtime. We enjoyed po-boys and visiting. While Lindsay took her nap they ran errands and sat outside with Colby. We don't make him nap/rest while they are here so he is so loud and hyper that they have to get out the house haha! Anyway I did get to relax for about an hour which was nice! The afternoon went by very quickly though since I had to shower and start getting ready around 2:30. The babysitter Katelynn got here at 4. This was our first ever "Babysitter" experience. Katelynn was one of my flower girls in the wedding. I can't believe she is now old enough to babysit my kids but she did great! So thankful for her! I think the kids enjoyed her too! I knew Colby would and Lindsay did a lot better when we left then I thought she would! She was in the middle of eating so she was pretty distracted when we left. Our dinner reservations were for 5:15 so we left around 4:30. We ate at Andrea's. This is where Randall and Elizabeth had their rehearsal dinner. It was very nice and the food was great! The guests were: me, Austin, Mrs. Doris, Austin's mom and dad, My aunt Ree, my parents (obviously) and Randall and Elizabeth. It was the perfect amount of people. I think my parents felt special without being too fussed over! When we got home I was anxious to see how the kids did. Katelynn had Lindsay already in bed...I was so proud of them! Colby was in his pjs and almost ready for bed. It seemed like they all did just fine! Good to know we can leave them with a real babysitter next time grammy and granddaddy are busy ;)
Saturday we had an early start to the day! Since MawMaw and PawPaw were in town for the anniversary they spent the night with us since my aunt was staying with my mom and dad. They had to sleep in Colby's room...well this meant that the 3 of them were up at 6am. With all the goings on I couldn't sleep any later either. It was rough waking up that early. I guess it did give Colby a chance to play with his grandparents though before breakfast. We met everyone at Parrot Pete's at 9 for breakfast. The kids did really well...I was honestly surprised b/c their moods going in weren't that great. It was nice to visit with everyone again in a more casual atmosphere. After breakfast the kids and I went to Target. Austin's parents left to go home. We got our shopping done and came home to rest/relax. We had a pretty low key afternoon my mom and Aunt did come by to visit the kids and I but other then that we just enjoyed relaxing!
Sunday we went to my mom and dad's church to be with them for their anniversary. We had flowers put in the church for them so we thought it would be nice to be there. This is the first time we have gone back since December for my dad's b-day. We have tried to go one or two other times but we were either sick or bad weather kept us from going. It was good to return. We definitely miss a lot of the people there. Colby was so excited going back to his old church...he loves Calvary but I think he will always have a special place in his heart for Metairie since he spent so much time there his first 4 years of life! He did great in his class and was glad to see his old friends Glenn Paul and Macie! Lindsay was very upset about going into her class...she is already clingy but I know she doesn't probably remember Metairie at all. She did fine though after about 10 minutes. Thankfully even though she cries when I leave her it doesn't last long. She only had one other little boy Jackson in her class and he is almost a year older. Since there were no other 1 year olds she went with him in the 2 year old class. Church service was was nice to worship in a different atmosphere and as a family. After church we did our usual lunch at McAlister's which was nice. I think it meant a lot to my parents to have us all there! The kids were great at the restaurant. They sat across from each other and were so cute! Colby kept sharing his sweet tea with Lindsay. Lindsay also greatly impresses me with her fine motor skills, she ate mac n cheese and applesauce and fed herself with a spoon with hardly making a mess! She did the same thing Saturday at breakfast with her grits! The rest of the day was low key and about catching up on housework and rest! Such a great memorable weekend though and so thankful for my parents!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Swimming & Babysitting

Monday was quite a busy day for us! Well Austin was off which was awesome and for the first time in forever we had no specific plans! No school, no VBS, no swim lessons...NADA! We had a low key morning...always nice to cook a big breakfast sit and watch the news and take our time starting the day! We did decide to take the kids swimming at my parent's house. Austin has only been in the pool once this summer plus we figured it would be great for the kids to practice what they learned in swim lessons! Both had a blast in the pool! Colby is doing so well now with his swimming. He's a fish. He's jumping in and swimming alone and also even diving to the bottom! I was so proud of him. Lindsay is also doing great with swimming alone to the steps! It was fun just goofing off and playing with them in the pool. My mom was sweet enough to also prepare us lunch which was great! We ate lunch then brought the kids home for naps! Ofcourse Colby didn't nap...he's really only napping like 1 or 2 times a week. Lindsay was exhausted though!
That afternoon we were babysitting for a friend from our lifegroup. They needed a babysitter last minute and since Austin was off I figured it was doable. The little boy just turned 1. He and Lindsay are in the nursery together at church. Anyway needless to say it was a very busy afternoon! The little boy was good just busy! Colby mostly stayed outside with Austin which I guess was a help but when Colby was inside he really was good at watching the little ones for me and helping out. I mostly just followed the babies around and made sure they didn't get into anything...especially Michael. He's not walking yet so I tried to keep them in the den and Lindsay's room. I had to fix dinner and feed them both by myself though while Austin and Colby were outside! That was hectic! We only have the 1 highchair so I had to let them take turns eating! Everything was going fine though...until Austin sent Colby in soaking wet from swimming in the back. I was so distracted by him and I was also on the phone and trying to clean up the kitchen. Somehow Michael got under my feet and opened a drawer where we keep measuring cups. He had done this early and I had grabbed our glass pyrex measuring cup from him. Lindsay and Colby always play with the plastic ones but never even attempt taking the glass ones out so I didn't think much of it. Well anyway he grabbed the glass one and as I saw him he threw it! OMG I panicked. Here I had 3 kids inside all with no shoes on and I'm standing right in the middle of it. I quickly moved all the kids to the den. I yelled for Austin to come help which luckily he was home. I quickly scooted all 3 kids to Lindsay's room while Austin cleaned up the glass! Craziness! Man I don't how moms do it with 3+ kids! Especially having 2 toddlers! You can say I was exhausted when he left! it was fun though and nice to do something for someone else! The rest of the night was pretty low key just getting our kids ready for bed and ready for the upcoming week!
Lots going on this week! Bible Study, Dentist appointment, grocery, 4th of July, and my parent's 50th Anniversary! So there will be lots of updates later this week!

Monday, July 1, 2013


We are enjoying another weekend! I can't believe how quickly they seem to roll around.
Friday was a VERY busy day! The kids finished up their 2 weeks of swim lessons! I am very proud of both of them! Its been nice having that activity daily to keep them busy and wear them out but I am glad that we can now add a little variety back to our lives! That afternoon we rested before gearing up for tennis lessons. This was Colby's 4th week of lessons. He's really learning a lot. His attention span is still lacking a little but he's hitting the ball a lot more and hitting it over the net which the coach said is great for his age! I am proud of how Lindsay has hung in there like a champ too while her big bro does these things! Its hot but she is a trooper during the lessons!
Saturday we had plans to go to a church picnic. It was a Volunteer Picnic. I was looking forward to going and I think Colby was too. It was at a new park that had a splash pad. Anyway austin had to work so I was going to bring Lindsay to my parent's I just wasn't sure about keeping up with them both out there and with it not starting until 11 she would be tired quickly. Well we woke up that morning to quite a thunderstorm. I quickly changed our plans. I was looking forward to it but I was also tired from the busy week we had. Anyway I had promised Colby a trip to the toystore after swim lessons b/c he was swimming by himself by the end of the week. I knew his feelings wouldn't be hurt. Plus this was a short outting that got us out the house but then we could be home the rest of the day. The kids enjoyed the was nice to just let Colby walk around and not be in a hurry. He finally decided on a big Recycling Truck. Afterwards we came home by this time the weather cleared so the kids rode their bikes for a little while. We came in and played and then ate lunch and took naps. I guess they were tired from the busy week b/c they both took long naps. That afternoon my parents stopped by to visit. They didn't get to see the kids much all week with swim lessons going on. Ofcourse the kids always enjoy a visit from the grandparents although Colby was still grumpy b/c he wasn't awake yet and ended up getting punished from screaming.
Sunday Austin was off YAY! I also didn't have to work in the nursery so its always nice the Sundays we can all go to church and Austin and I can worship together. The kids are doing great in their classes. I'm so proud of Colby he's really doing well since moving upstairs. After church we did our usual pick up lunch and came home to rest. That evening we had LifeGroup. It was a great night there! Its just nice to have that time to connect with other adults and get ready for the week! We had 6 kids! Our group is just growing by leaps and bounds so they are talking about splitting us in the fall!