Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Wheww its been a busy weekend already and mommy is pooped! Our weekend began Friday also Colby's first official day of summer. We had a playdate that morning. A girl that goes to Calvary and her little girl who is 2 came over. We have met them at the library and park a couple of times but this was her first time over here. I was a little concerned about how Colby would do sharing. Its been awhile since we have had a friend over and he's a little more possessive now then he was a few months ago. I talked to him about it before she got here. He seemed willing to share just about everything but his cars & trucks! When she got here we decided to go ahead and let them swim. I figured this would keep them busy most of the time. They played in the pool about an hour then were both ready to come in. They didn't interact as much as I thought and suprisingly I think Colby tried to interact with her more and she shyed away. Once inside I could tell Colby was not too keen on the idea of sharing his trucks luckily she never really wanted to play with any so there were no crises.
I think he had fun atleast more fun then being home by himself. I have to get his school friends over though b/c he talks about them all the time and I think he would enjoy that more since he knows them better.
Saturday was quite a busy day for us. Austin was off which was good. We got up that morning and ran a few errands. Colby was pretty good but none of our errands were really for him so I think he was sorta bored. When we got home he played outside for awhile with austin while I tried to rest. After lunch I had to get dressed again and head over to my parents house for a bridal shower. The shower was for my friend Joe's bride to be. I had never met her but it was good to see him and all his family and many other old Calvary people. I had a good time but I sure was missing my nap. Its so hard to be so busy in the morning then busy all afternoon while Colby naps so I never get a rest. I was kinda hoping to come home and crash but while I was on my way home we got invited to dinner with our friends Josh and Laura. I hated to miss out on this b/c we rarely get to go out just the 4 of us. Its hard now with both having kids and work schedules for us to hang out much less when the kids aren't there. The last few times we have been out to eat we have the boys with us which makes it so much harder to visit. As tired as I was it was great to have a night out and be with friends. We don't do this often enough so it was nice. Oh and I forgot to mention Colby ended up spending the night with my parents. We dropped him off on our way over there. I knew they were tired as well but they were so sweet to keep him and he was ofcourse excited to go over there. After eating our friends had to get home but Austin and I decided we would go uptown for icecream. Again something we never do! It was so nice to go on a little icecream date with him. We went to this local place Creole Creamery. Its really good. After that we drove around a little while then came home. Once I got home I crashed! It was a great day and would make anyone tired but being preggo I was exausted.
Sundays are usually VERY busy for us as well and with the day I had yesterday I knew I wouldn't be able to hand a full day again. I decided to just go to Sunday School and then bring Colby home. I know he was a little dissapointed but I needed to get home and get some housework done and just chill. He was obviously wiped out as well b/c he fell asleep on the way home at like 10:30 in the morning he never does that. So now that we are home we don't plan on doing much the rest of the day. Today Monday Memorial Day we had a lazy morning around home. Then we went over to my parent's house for swimming and burgers. Austin, Colby, and I swam then Randall and Elizabeth came over and got in too. I think us 4 adults stayed in for about an hour and a half Colby got out after about 45 min. I even got a tad burned. It was fun just visiting and acting like kids again! Lunch was good and Colby as always enjoyed all the attention. After dessert though we decided to go ahead and bring him home for his nap. He was exausted and so were we! The rest of the day was pretty low key around our house!

Tuesday Austin was still was wonderful to have this long weekend with him. We planned to take Colby somewhere fun. We debated a few places and settled on the Zoo so he could try out the Cool Zoo. I am so glad we did. It was a blast. Colby played in the water area for over an hour. It actually wasn't bad sitting out there either I never once got hot out there. Now once we left that area and got out in the sun it was a different story. We did go ride the train though before leaving. He gets so excited about that train! I loved the Cool Zoo though...I have heard mixed reviews some loving it some saying its too rough for small kids. Colby did well though...he did stay close by and didn't venture to the big equipment but he never got knocked down or anything and it was crowded! The place is so big though I never really felt crowded at all. I am sure we will be making a few trips there this summer!

When we left the zoo we ate at McAlister's per Colby's request. He wasn't very interested in eating though between being tired, full on cheerios and nachos the snack at the zoo and he needed to potty. So we didn't stay long we came home and got settled in for naps.

Also tmi but for my records: he has pooped on the potty 3 times in the last 2 weeks. I am hoping this is a new trend. The last time yesterday he didn't even cry like usual so I hope he's getting over his goal is to have him completely potty trained by the end of the summer!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Colby's Last Day of Pre-k 2

First Day of School (September 2010)

Last Day of School (May 2011)

I can't believe Colby's first official school year has come to a close. He's had a wonderful year. We feel so blessed that his first year at school was such a pleasant experience for us all. It was a great decision to go ahead and put him in school this year. We had many reasons for doing it: socialization, putting him ahead since he will always be the "baby" of his class with a July b-day, giving me time to myself, etc. He has loved going and made many friends. Its crazy how far he has come in 1 year too. He seemed like a baby at the beginning of the year. He wasn't talking much when school started so I rarely knew what he did with his day. Now he's talking in complete sentences and can give me a run down of what takes place. I get to hear about his snacks, his friends, what they learned, etc. I have made a few friends through this experience as well. We plan on getting the kids together this summer b/c I know Colby will miss his best friends: Kiley, Max, and Addie.

He has become so much more confident and brave. He doesn't mind hanging out with new people and kids. He relates better to kids and plays and can have a conversation with them. He also has learned all his ABC's, how to count to 20, his shapes, a few songs, and many other things.

I have enjoyed my time its been nice to have a couple hours twice a week to run errands or come home and do housework with no interruption. It has made our time together more special.

He will be going back to the same school next year for pre-k 3 and I hope he will have as good a year! He had 2 wonderful teachers who he loved and talked about every day!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Playdate, swimming, church, and day with daddy!

Colby has had a full weekend! Well starting with last Thursday he had water day at school! I knew he would absolutely love this as much as he loves the water! His teacher said he had a blast!
Friday we met my friend Casee and her little boy Jax at the park. This was the first time we had gotton together in awhile. The last time was probably when Jax was 7-9 months. We used to meet to walk. So now Jax is 1 1/2 and Colby being 2 1/2 they were actually able to play and interact. They have similiar personalities so they seemed to enjoy playing at the park. I hope we can do this more during the summer.
Saturday we went swimming at my parent's. Again Colby was so excited about this b/c he loves to swim. He's doing really well getting used to the water again. He starts swim lessons in a couple weeks so I am hoping after that he will be able to swim really well atleast for a 2 year old! He learned so much last year so I think he will be really good this year he's such a water baby!
Sunday Austin was off and we had church. I was in the nursery the whole time. We had a ton of kids in the preschool room for extended care so I decided to stay. Colby has promoted to that room since he is going to the 3 year old Sunday School class but he's still the youngest. We had about 11 or 12 kids so I figured it would be good for me to stay and help and keep an eye on him. He did really well though. I think some of the bigger boys overwhelm him so he kinda stays to himself or plays with the little girls.
Monday Austin was off again so we decided to go out to the mall. Colby usually enjoys going there and I think he was happy to go but he was also a pistol. We let him go in the Disney Store first and pick a toy which I'm thinking we should have saved that for last depending on his behavior. Next we went in Pottery Barn kids which he always enjoys. He was fine at first we let him play with the toys they have out but then he started getting wild wanting to climb and jump on beds. Once he got in trouble he pitched a horrible fit. He fought going to the bathroom as well. He finally calmed down as we ate lunch. Austin and I definitely didn't get to do any shopping not that we normally do anyway but this time I felt like he was more out of control...I know its the age but next time we go to the mall we may leave him at home =)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

8-10 Weeks

So I can't believe I am already 11 weeks pregnant. I had a doctor's appointment last week. They were able to hear the heartbeat at 10 weeks. hearing that sound for the first time is always so awesome! They said the heartbeat sounded great and I was doing well. So far I have lost 2 lbs. All this morning sickness has cut my appetite way down plus there isn't much I feel like eating especially at night. I have found this week though that it seems to be getting a little better. I hope by June 1st I can say I have moved past that stage!
Its definitely different being pregnant and taking care of a 2 1/2 year old but things have been good so far. I feel like I am getting my energy back! I can't wait till we can find out if its a boy or a girl. That should come at the end of July or early August!
Not sure if Colby still understands or not he will talk about baby brother or sister some but I am not sure he gets it! But I am definitely going to enjoy my first baby this summer and hanging out with him!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Destin 2011

We just got back from our annual beach trip. I have to say I was not ready to come home! I definitely can't wait to go back! We had a really great time this year and its amazing each time we go with Colby how much he has changed. This was his 4th trip there. He couldn't stop talking about going to the beach a couple days before. He was really looking forward to it. I am not sure if he remembered last years trip or not. We left early Wednesday morning. Colby made the trip really well. Surprisingly he slept about an hour and a half on the way up there. We only made a couple bathroom stops and we stopped at Ruby Tuesday's for lunch. Randall and Elizabeth went with us this year which made it fun. They haven't gone with us since our first trip there when I was a senior in highschool.

When we got to the condo that afternoon after unloading we immediately put colby in his swimsuit and took him down to the beach. he was still unsure but didn't flip out about the sand like previous years. We stayed down there about 30 minutes. Austin, Elizabeth, and I took turns taking him into the water. Afterwards we brought him to the pool which he was most excited about! he had a blast in there. After swimming for awhile we went back up to the condo to clean up and rest. None of us got a nap so we knew it would be an early bedtime. My mom cooked spaghetti in the condo that first night. We usually stay in the first night b/c after a day of travel no one wants to get dressed up to go out. After dinner we all went to bed really early so that we could be ready for our first full day on the beach!

Thursday we got up and had breakfast. My mom always cooks big breakfasts while we are there. Its nice to liesurely get up and enjoy breakfast. After we ate though we headed down to the beach. Today we had chairs and an umbrella so that was nice. We stayed out there about an hour. Colby still wasn't too sure about the ocean water but he did play in the sand a lot. he seemed to enjoy digging for "treasure"! Again after the beach we took him to the pool and stayed there almost 2 hours! I think he could have stayed all day! We had to bribe him to go up. He started warming up a lot in the pool too. After swimming we ate lunch then all crashed. We all took naps. That night we went out to Popano Joe's for dinner. We always enjoy that place. They have great food and its a really nice atmosphere right on the beach and water. Afterwards we decided to go to this outdoor mall and walk around. I was so glad we did b/c Colby had a blast. We let him ride the train first and he loved that! Then we took him over to the little children's play area where he also had a blast. He also got a cup of icecream so I think it was a great night for him. When we got back to the condo it was his bath and bedtime so we got him tucked in then Austin and I stayed up and watched tv for awhile. I felt pretty good while we were there no major issues with morning sickness....I felt a little queasy at night but not as bad as when I am home. Friday our next full day we pretty much repeated the same thing: eat breakfast, go out to beach, swim, eat lunch, nap then go out that night. That night we went out to eat at Hog's Breath. It was questionable whether or not we would be able to go b/c it started storming right around dinnertime. We went ahead and braved it and glad we went when we did b/c by the time we got back to the condo the storm got pretty bad. We were all snug in the condo and decided to watch Toy Story 3. Colby has only seen bits and pieces of the first toy story so I wasn't sure if he would watch it but he watched the whole thing...he was captivated! After the movie we all went to bed.

Next day we got up early and headed home. We only stopped twice again. We ate lunch at Panera Bread which is our tradition when leaving the beach. Colby slept for about an hour and a half again.

We had a great time and I am already ready to go back. I am sad thinking its a whole year before we will return! But that year will go by fast! And when we go back we will be going with a 3 1/2 year old and a 5 month old! How different that will be!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

This year was my 3rd Mother's Day. It was a different Mother's Day though. The last 2 Mother's Day we have spent together as a family on the beach. This year we weren't in Destin and Austin had to work. I was glad to get to go to church on Mother's Day since we have been gone for the others. Although I was in the nursery the whole time. I volunteered though since austin was working. I figured I would give some other mom's the opportunity to sit in church with their families. Colby made lots of really sweet crafts this year. In school he had made a mug with his little thumbprints that the teacher turned into bees and ladybugs. Then in Sunday School they did their handprint along with a poem and framed it. He also made a sweet card with his picture. I will cherish all of these things forever!
After church we went to Mrs. Eva's house for lunch. We were surpised when we got there and there were already 2 kids there. Usually at family dinners like this Colby is the only one. Janet was babysitting though so she brought them with her. Two little girls 3 and 1. I was glad Colby would have someone to play with. I think it kept him entertained. They played cars mostly. After lunch Colby and I came home. We were both pretty tired from the day.
Even though it was a different Mother's Day it was still nice. I am just so blessed to be the mommy of such a sweet, smart little boy! I can't believe he's 2 1/2 almost 3! And next mother's day I will have 2 sweet children!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Austin's b-day Trip

We just got back from Hattiesburg Tuesday afternoon. We try to go up there around Austin's birthday every year or sometimes his parents come here. We knew Monday would be the only chance we would get to go for awhile. Colby was so excited to be going to Hattiesburg. When we got there he was so happy to see his maw-maw and paw-paw. Soon they picked Maggie up from school and he was really happy to have his cousin to play with. They were so cute playing together! This was the first trip they really talked and interacted like little friends. They ran off to one of the rooms that has a bunch of toys in it and just sat back there and talked and played! So cute! I am so glad he has cousins that are close enough to his age to play with! Austin's dad and he brought back pizza when they picked Maggie up from school. Both Colby and Maggie definitely enjoyed that! After lunch and Colby had time to play with Maggie for awhile we layed him down for nap over there. We usually go back to the apartment but now that he's older plus since our trip was short we figured we would just let him lay down over there. He ended up sleeping about 2 hours. It worked out perfect b/c he woke up just in time when Shelbi got there after school.

It was really fun watching the 3 of them play. They begged paw-paw into setting up the pool and all 3 got in. It was still kinda chilly but none of them complained! Poor Colby had to swim in his undies though...momma forgot to pack a swimsuit or honestly didn't think we would need one this trip! He still had fun though! They all played for over an hour. We had to beg them to get out! Once they did though they were all starving for dinner. We had hamburgers and I think everyone chowed down! We knew Colby would sleep great that night b/c he played so hard with his cousins. He cried when it was time to leave and wanted Maggie to come with us.

It was so nice to get back to the apartment and relax. I always enjoy going up there and having this time. We let Colby play and unwind for about an hour then we put him to bed. Afterwards Austin and I just relaxed and watched tv.

The next morning we went back over to his parent's house. We knew we wanted to check out the USM bookstore. Colby needed a new football jersey for this year. We all ended up with something. Colby got a football jersey and some shorts. We even bought a little outfit for the new baby. It will work for either boy or girl. After shopping I wanted to walk around USM for a little while. We have driven around the campus but never gotton out and walked with Colby. I think he enjoyed all the sights. It will be so neat one day if he ends up going there. After walking around for awhile he was begging to go to the playground. He knows there is one around the Child Development area so we played there for a short time.

When we got back to his parents house we packed up to head home. It was a short but fun trip. We all had fun. Hopefully we will get back up there for a longer amount of time this summer.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring Break Week

This past week Colby has been out of school for Easter/Spring Break. We have really enjoyed our week together and I guess it was a preview or summertime. I so enjoy him being in school and having that break but I also liked the freedom we had this week to do more fun things together. Our weeks get so full of routine stuff we don't have much time for playdates and things anymore so this was a welcome break it was also nice not to rush off and have to be dressed at a certain time every day!

Monday we began our week by going to work up at the church. We are in the process of really trying to clean out the nursery. We began in the baby room it needed the most work. Another mother came up to help with her 2 kids. She has a 4 year old boy and a 1 year old little girl. Colby played with them a little but he was more interested in staying close to my mom and me. Afterwards the 3 of us went to lunch at McAlister's which Colby always loves!

Tuesday I had a doctor's appointment so my mom came over to watch Colby. He was very excited to have grammy come over and play with him while mommy was at the doctor. I had my first ultrasound and everything looked great! I was so thankful....I always like to get that first ultrasound out of the way and I feel better once we see a hearbeat and a little baby. They said the due date is still December 11. I met with the doctor briefly to discuss that and the bloodwork which also all came back normal Praise the Lord! I am so thankful for a healthy baby and just hope it continues to grow and develop normally and healthy!

Wednesday was our usual grocery shopping day. I didn't realize how bad it would be now that I am so nauseated. I didn't have to go grocery shopping when I was pregnant with Colby. I made Austin go b/c it was only shopping for him and I. Now with a 2 1/2 year old I have to shop once every week to keep up with him. I about lost it in the store though! Since I felt so bad the rest of the day was pretty low key for us. My parents did bring Colby to church. I hate that I missed b/c we had been going every Wednesday night but I just feel so miserable at night and didn't really want to get all the way over there and be sick. I also didn't want to keep Colby from church though b/c he enjoys it so much. He loved going with my parents and they said he did really well.

Thursday Colby and I decided to go on a playdate by ourselves! We don't get a chance to do this often so I wanted to do something special with him the week he was off school. We decided to go to the Zoo and check out the splash park. Well when we got there we found out it was closed but we still had fun. We walked around and did Monkey Hill and the swamp. It was special just being him and I. This summer I really want to take advantage of doing things like this b/c we won't have a lot of opportunities once he is in school 3 days a week next year and he has a new sibling. The zoo was really crowded though. We fortunately went to the back first though and had that to ourselves but then when we came back up to the front to play on the playground it was just wayy too crowded. I was afraid Colby was going to get trampled so we left. I felt bad we couldn't stay longer but it was getting miserable. I definitely want to take him back soon!

Friday was another open day so I took Colby to the park. I invited my parents to come along though. They always enjoy seeing him play. We went to one close to his school. We hadn't been there in awhile so he really had a good time. His friend Addie was there which was neat to see them play together. Her grandmother just loves Colby. They are both so sweet to him. When it was time to leave he gave them hugs and said "I love you"! So sweet!

Saturday we went over to my parent's house. We have started this yearly tradition of my mom helping me bake Austin a birthday cake. Each year he gets to pick what kind he wants. This year he chose a red velvet. My dad played with Colby while my mom and I baked. Colby was curious and stayed in the kitchen for some of it though. We even baked Colby a cupcake so he could be the first to sample it! While the cake was baking we let Colby play outside. We took a short walk then turned on the sprinkler for him. We weren't planning on swimming b/c the pool was at 76 but Colby requested to get in and my dad took him! I only swim when its at 80 or above to I skipped out! Colby had a blast though he didn't want to get out!

Sunday was ofcourse church. Colby and I only stayed for Sunday School though. Due to our busy week and me not feeling well in the afternoons and having such a busy week the week before we came home.