Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Well the kids and I finally got around to going to storytime at the library this summer. I think the last time we were there was probably December when Colby was out for Christmas. Anyway we had fun and I was impressed at how well behaved the kids were...especially Lindsay. She has been with us to the library since she was an infant. She did so well during storytime. She just sat on my lap and listened! Something Colby never did at this age! I mean I started bringing him to the library around 1 and he would wonder around and get into mischief! I was so proud of her. Colby really enjoys picking and checking out books also. He likes the storytime but he won't go sit up front and participate like I wish he would. He listened though b/c he would answer the questions! They took down his fav castle though so he was sad about that. He also wanted to get on the computers but I wouldn't let him b/c by the time storytime was over Lindsay was ready to go home. Anyway it was a great trip though! Something simple but we all enjoyed the outting and glad my kids love books so much!

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