Friday, February 23, 2018

Mardi Gras Break

So as I previously mentioned: we started our Mardi Gras break out on quite a busy note. Between the bday party that night, having a friend over, and colby going parading. 
Well Saturday I knew I wanted to have a much quieter and low key day. The weather was forecasted to be rainy. The kids and I slept in and then went over to my parent's house to make king cakes and spend some time with them. This is our Mardi Gras tradition. It was nice being over there and visiting. We had no agenda and that felt really good. We were over there until about 2 before coming home. Once we got home I was pooped and we just pretty much relaxed the rest of the day. They show the big parade Endymion on TV so we let the kids stay up and watch some of that. I would love to take them one year, but Austin is always working. 
Sunday was ofcourse church day. Austin was working so it was just the kids and I. We went to the early service. We then picked up Panera for lunch and came home and just enjoyed the day at home. Once again it rained some so we just hung out and relaxed. That night they showed Orpheus on TV so once again the kids were later going to bed. Just so much excitement this time of year! 
Monday it was nice to sleep in and just enjoy some time together as a family. I got ready and went to the grocery though mid-morning while Austin stayed home with the kids. They played outside and such while I was gone. Once I got in we ate lunch then rested up for a night of parading. We planned to go to Orpheus with some friends. We ended up bringing Lizzie with us as well. We brought chicken for the group and just had the best time. It was the 4 of us, Lizzie, Mrs. G and her 2 kiddos, Mrs. Dugas, and Melissa. We had so much time. They had gotten there early so they had a wonderful place saved for us. We enjoyed the parading as much as the fellowship. We saw both Proteus and Orpheus which I have to say are my favorite parades. It felt like such a truly NOLA night. I find these parades to be more traditional and just magical. It was a blast. Once again though the kids were in bed super late.
Tuesday aka MARDI GRAS we had decided not to parade. I would have been all for it honestly but I know with Austin only having the 2 days off and going the night before he wouldn't want to spend the entire day down at the parades. We opted to stay home and have a family day. We had a slow morning around the house. We finally got dressed and left the house about 11 and brought the kids to the park to burn off some energy. After that we went to eat lunch. It was nice just being together. The rest of the day we just hung out and enjoyed being home. That night we watched the REX ball and we spotted Lindsay's teacher Mrs. Schifllin! That was super cool! 
Wednesday Austin went back to work. I wasn't sure what exactly to do with the kids. We ended up having a Stay home day. I figured with church that night it wasn't really necessary to take them somewhere. I am trying to learn and to teach them that its ok to be still and maybe even bored sometimes. It ended up being a lovely day though. They practiced piano and even did some school work. I also got a lot of house stuff done as well. It was nice just being home with them. Days like this it makes me ponder the homeschool life. Although I enjoy it on occasion not sure I could handle it all the time. We got ready that afternoon for church. It was nice to not feel rushed going out the door. We had a nice night at church. The attendance was lower I guess due to school being out. Lindsay had 2 school friends there though so she was in high cotton. Colby had a few school friends there but no one he really "clicks with". He looked bored most of the night..poor fellow. I think he still had fun though. 
Thursday once again we kinda slept in. We got ready though and had to go to PETSMART...afterwards we picked up Chickfila for lunch and met Melissa and her 2 boys at the park for a picnic lunch. It was nice to get some adult time and let the kids play. We stayed about an hour. The weather has just been fabulous. After that the kids and I came home to rest. That afternoon my parents picked up Lindsay though to spend the night with them. We had a pretty quiet night with just Colby here. It was nice though spending a little more down time with him. Austin even let him stay up late and watch a show with him. 
Friday we got up and Colby and I had breakfast at McDonald's...once again it was fun to treat him and just enjoy a quiet meal with just him. He's so sweet and kind when he's alone ;). After that we picked up Lindsay then met more friends at the park. We met Colby's friend Zachary. This is a new friend he has gotten close to this year. Lindsay complained at first saying she had no one to play with, but then was having so much fun she didn't want to leave. So we came home for lunch and to rest. That afternoon at 3 Colby had piano. Lindsay and I went to the library while we waited on him. We picked him up and ran him to my parents to spend the night. I was happy to finally get in that night and was completely exhausted from all the running. We let Lindsay pick the movie for movie night and of course she landed on MOANA. We had a nice night just spending time with our girl. 
Saturday Lindsay and I got going and left to go get donuts. Again I try to do something special when I only have 1 kid. We had a nice little time at the donut shop then we went to pick Colby up. We ended up only running a couple quick errands before coming home though. We went to Hobby Lobby to get a St. Patty's day something for the door and then a quick run to the grocery. It was nice having the majority of the day at home. Austin got in that afternoon and did yard work and brought the kids outside. We had a nice evening in. 
Sunday we had church, but we only went to 2nd service. It was nice to sleep in. After church we went to eat Mexican for lunch. That afternoon we spent resting and just preparing to get back into the routine for Monday! 
It was a great break! It of course flew by! We didn't do anything major except a little parading. It was nice though just to slow down a bit and have the kids home. 

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