Sunday, June 24, 2018

Summer Week 3

So with VBS behind us it was nice to have a slow down in life. That Monday the kids and I decided to go swimming at my parent's house. It was nice to just do something low key like that. We swam for a couple hours. My mom didn't have any groceries so we didn't stay for lunch. Instead the kids voted on Five Guys so we went there. Now that they are older I just love taking them out to lunch. Its nice to actually sit there and have conversations with them. It started storming soon after we got home so we spent a nice afternoon and evening at home. Its been great now to have those slow afternoons and evenings. The kids have loved playing together and we've been doing great with family walks in the evening. 
Tuesday I had Bible study so the kids went back to my parent's house. At first I wasn't too excited about going. I have felt a little disconnected from the group for some reason. I was happy I went though and ended up having a nice time! I picked the kids up and we made a quick errand stop then came home. Again we had the afternoon around here which was just lovely! 
Wednesday I had made plans with Wendy for coffee. Actually had I known about this before Tuesday's Bible study I might not have gone..i just felt bad about shipping my kids off to my parents 2 days in a row...although neither party seemed to mind. Anyway we had both said it would be a "quick" coffee meeting b/c she knew I had the kids home and she's prepping to send her son off to college. Well we met up a little before 8:30 and ended up staying until 12:30! It was crazy! I missed her so much and our talks though. I guess after spending nearly everyday almost together from March-May we had a lot of catching up to do! I had told my parents I would be back by 10 or when I wasn't there by 11 they called a little worried. Well then we proceeded to stay another hour! anyway it was such a good time! Once I got the kids we came home just to relax and hang out before church. It was nice knowing we were getting back into Wednesday nights. During the school year they are often exhausting, but during the summer I feel like my kids crave that friend time. Anyway it was good to get back. They both had lots of friends there too which was nice. They did water night so that was a lot of fun. I am just thankful for the tribe my kids get to grow up with and do life with. 
Thursday we woke up with a free day. I had contemplated taking the kids to the children's museum...b/c honestly we haven't had a "big" play day yet. They slept in though and I was honestly dreading going anywhere far away. Well when they woke up I gave them the option between children's museum or going out to breakfast. Lindsay spoke up and chose breakfast at Parrot Pete's. This is something she's been asking about so I did feel good to cross that off our summer bucket list. It was a really sweet time. It was a moment where I realized I am truly in the golden age of parenting. I mean first off they slept until 9 then they chose breakfast out over the loud children's museum! Wow! Anyway we talked and laughed and just enjoyed our 1,000 gifts moment. Afterwards we went to Target. We spent the afternoon at home which was nice. It ended up raining so it was nice to not get out. 
Friday we had another free day. I hardly knew what to do with myself honestly with all these free days. Well it was the day Incredibles 2 came out...I promised the kids we would go see it. We were able to have a slow pace morning then leave for the movie about 10. We saw the 10:45 show. It was a cute movie---not one of my favs by any means, but cute nonetheless. After the movie we had lunch at Chickfila then came on home. That afternoon we just hung around the house and Austin came home early. We ended up getting out that evening...something we rarely do! We went to eat Catfish at Adam's then took the kids to play at the park. We also rode around after that. It was a nice summer night as a family. We chose not to do a movie that night. I felt like since we were in the theater that morning they needed a night out! The park was just what they needed. It was still warm, but not nearly like it would have been during the day! It was a nice night just to be together! 

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