Friday, January 17, 2014

A glance back at our week...getting back into the groove!

Well we are trying to get back into the "school groove" around here. We have almost completed our 2nd week back after Christmas vacation! I think the kids are enjoying being back into their routines but i can also tell we are all getting tired! Fortunately this weekend is a 3 day weekend so that'll be nice too! Colby has been enjoying school I think but hit a bumpy patch this week with behavior. Its not a big deal really but he has clipped down twice this week which never happens. Usually when it just happens once we talk to him and then its over no biggie no punishments. But when it happened 2 days in a row we felt like consequences were needed so he lost all tv and iPad privileges for that day. I do have to admit I think part of his acting out was due to lack of recess. I am def not one to make excuses for my child but they didn't have recess hardly at all last week and the first 3 days this week didn't have it. Finally yesterday they went back outside! I think that plays a HUGE part in it. Although we did talk to him about how he needs to follow rules etc.
Lindsay I think enjoyed her 2 days of school and I have enjoyed my time to myself to work around the house and run errands.
The other days this week have been nice too! Tuesday Lindsay and I went to storytime again with a friend. That's always a fun outting and I think she enjoys it as well. Thursday I had a hair appt so she went to my parent's house for the morning. I think they all enjoyed that! They don't get to see the kids much during the week with their school schedules! I also enjoyed the downtime of just getting my hair cut. Today (Friday) we went to coffee/breakfast at Pj's after dropping Colby off. I enjoy this sweet time with my girl. I hope this is a tradition we can keep going her entire life! I know it'll be even more fun when she can really talk. Right now she points at things and drinks my coffee =) Afterwards we went up to the church nursery to clean/sanitize toys. There has been another round of sickness going around our church friends so I figured it was a good time to get it done. Plus I would like to start going once a month to spray the toys and keep germs down! Lindsay did really well and just enjoyed playing with toys!
We kick off our weekend in about 2 hours when Colby gets home from school! I look forward to tomorrow and Monday getting out and enjoying the beautiful weather with the littles! Look for a weekend post next week!

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