Sunday, October 2, 2016

Growing Pains And Fall Fever

This month has been quite a month for us all. Between just normal fall busyness and all that's been going on with Austin's dad...I just feel like its taken a toll on us all. 
Monday- I had to do the grocery shopping. I was really looking forward to just coming home after though and not doing anything. Well work around the house ofcourse but having a quiet day. I got a text that morning wanting to know if I could sub the 1 year old class. I told them no. I felt guilty but 1) I literally found out on my way to bring my own kids to school and was not dressed or prepared in any way and 2) I knew I needed to grocery shop and focus on the house that day. It really helped me to have that day mostly around the house. Austin was gone that night so it was just the kids and I. We had chicken tacos though and even took a walk so it ended up being a pretty nice day.
Tuesday- I had Bible study that morning. I was glad to go back to that. I always feel so refreshed after going. Its the one thing I do for myself so I like to keep that time of my week sacred. I just love being with the other women and working on our relationship with the Lord. That afternoon Austin got home. We were able to hang out and rest a bit before he went to get the kids. That night we just hung out at home and had grilled burgers. It felt nice to have him here and be together as a family.
Wednesday- Austin was off again. I was so happy to have him with us for a full day. That morning I brought the kids to school then went to run a couple errands. We had our maid here so between her being inside working and Austin working in the yard. We hung out at home. We spent a lot of time outside just visiting which was great. The kids got home and we were off to get ready for church. It was nice going to church as a family. That night in preschool though we only had 3 kids. We had Lindsay, Cohen (3) and Avalynn (1). I feel bad b/c Lindsay is basically in a class with "Babies". She did ok though and still seemed to have fun. We mostly spent the evening outside then came in to do one craft. I was glad we could get back to our church family though. 
Thursday- This was quite a busy day! i had an 8:15 meeting so the kids really had to get ourselves in gear. We had to leave the house by 7:30. I literally had to drop and run at their school. I got to the meeting on time and was the first teacher there. We basically just reviewed the October calendar. That morning music went well. It always wears me out but I enjoy it. I love my 4 and 5 year old class the most. They really get it and seem to enjoy it! We read "We are going on a Bear Hunt" and talked about rhythms and chanting. We've also been practicing our songs to sing in church. Once I got home I was glad to have a couple hours to myself. This day was really hard b/c I had watched Colby's behavior take a dive throughout the week. He had continually lost points to where on Thursday he had a 0. I had to make the tough call of keeping him home from scouts. I so badly hated to do it! Especially since that day was a Pack Meeting and he would be earning some awards. But I knew if we didn't we would be sending the message that what he was doing in school was ok. I fully believe a teacher/parent should be on the same page and support one another. I wanted to show support for his teacher and let her and him know that we were going to try to make some changes. He was upset but I think we still had a pretty ok night. He and I took a walk which was nice. 

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