Monday, July 10, 2017

July Weekend

So this weekend just happens to be a pretty standard that I mean no special holidays or anything big going on. 
Friday the kids and I enjoyed a slow start to the day. I baked muffins and then we got ready and put our swimsuits on and headed over to my parents house to swim for the day. I am thankful for that option. I feel like its healthy fun for them. It gets them active and outside and it doesn't cost us any money! Its an easy thing to occupy then 2-3 times a week. Its funny b/c this week we had seen my parents every day. Its been nice though..since my dad had his surgery I have been trying to be more available to go over there and check on them and mostly just cheer him up with some company. Poor guy though still can't get in the pool with us though. So we had a good time swimming and probably swam almost 2 hours. The weather was great. It started clouding up before we got out but we had no idea how it would storm shortly. My mom made us lunch. The kids always want to stay for lunch over there. I was ok with it since we really had no other plans. So we ate and visited. Well then my mom had this idea of baking cookies with them. Again I was kinda ready to get home but we had no other plans really so I figured why not?! Well while we did that it started to STORM! Really bad lightening and flooding! It was crazy. Well once the cookies were finished and they sampled them the kids and I were ready to go. It was still storming and I don't think my dad wanted us to leave but i had been watching the radar and could tell it wasn't bad at our house so if we could just get out of that little area we would be fine. Plus I really wanted to get home before the storm came to us. So we got home. It took us about 30 min though b/c of flooded roads and traffic lights being out. We got home and all wanted to just rest for a bit. The kids played with their phones/iPads and then I made them do some school work. Colby is still working on math and subtraction mostly. Lindsay is doing phonics. I am hoping this will make the transition back to school easier. So after that we went outside for awhile. Austin got home and brought us Popeyes for dinner. We ate then all played outside for awhile longer. Afterwards we did our typical Friday night movie. We watched Marley and Me with them. I think they liked it but it did have some "adult" themes which I was hoping wouldn't open up too many lively discussions! 
Saturday ended up being a very low key quiet day. We had originally planned to meet up with some friends at a local park but everyone cancelled on us. It stinks sometimes having a hubby who works on Saturdays and then everyone else is busy. But the kids and I were going to make the best of it and go anyway. We were all packed up and ready to leave when I noticed outside that the skies looked ominous. I went ahead and told the kids it might rain that we would see how it looked when we got in the car. Well sure enough it was dark skies all around us. It wasn't raining yet but I figured the minute we stepped foot into a park the skies would open. We opted of school supply shopping at Target instead. By this point last year I had already bought their supplies so I figured that we would have no problems getting what we needed at Target. Well much to my surprise the supplies were very picked over and they didn't even seem to have everything out yet! We got about 80% of it done...guess I'll be going back though sometime over the next 2 weeks to finish up. Well by the time we got home it was lunch time. We had lunch then rested. The afternoon was very low key. We did get some school work done and played outside. Austin got off work early so he could do yard work. The kids were in/out all evening and we even took a walk. I am loving long summer days! After their baths I let them stay up and watch Despicable Me. We usually only do movies on Fridays but this was on tv and ended at 8 so I figured why not?!?
Sunday was of course our church day. We went to 1st service. Although Austin got a phone call at 4:45 am saying someone had died in the hotel. Anyways come to find out it was a suicide. Such a sad way to start our Sunday. Anyway he was back home by about 7 so we were able to still go to church as a family. We were particularly excited b/c Colby's friend Nijel was getting baptized today. Now that the kids are both going upstairs and I am on a break it feels good to just go to church and worship. I mean I love teaching and I really miss my preschoolers and I look forward to returning there one day or to start teaching upstairs but for now this time to be with my husband in church is amazing. So thankful for that. Anyway it was awesome to see Nijel baptized. These 2 boys have been best buds since they were 5 years old. Its been so neat to see them grow up and change together. Colby did have a little "friend issue". The 3 amigos we lovingly call them have not been so friendly lately. Well it really all started the last month or so of school. Colby would come home saying his friends were leaving him out basically and telling them they didn't want to play with him. We figured it was happening b/c the 2 friends are headed off to a different school in the fall together. It was like they were forming this club that Colby wasn't allowed into. We basically told him to be kind to them but also try to seek out other friends and to just hang on b/c school was almost out. So this summer they really haven't all been together much The 2 have also gone off and started going to camps all again they have pretty much been together non-stop. As sad as it was to not have them as a part of VBS I think it was good for Colby. He could start the transition of making new friends and knowing a world outside of them. I have been thankful for this little trio and their closeness at school and church for the last few years and I am thankful for our families and how its brought us all close but I think sometimes we need to expand out of our comfort zones. Anyway like I say the 3 of them really haven't been together much since school got out...maybe once at a b-day party and a couple times at church but that's been it. I know Colby has missed them but I think its been helpful to his own behavior and mood to not be around all that. Well yesterday they were all at church and they had a falling out. It all began maybe with something about Colby tattling. Which supposedly Nijel came to Colby and told him that Makyrin said that he sucks and he wasn't his friend anymore. I guess Colby told Ryan then Makyrin got confronted and he fell out crying and claiming he never said such. Nijel couldn't explain why he would make that up except that he feels like Makyrin isn't a good friend to Colby. I don't know where I stand on all this. Anyway it hurt my heart to know all that went down on a day that they should have been celebrating their friend's salvation. I think Makyrin has an ugly heart. I have witnessed his bad behavior many times and its caused many conversations with Colby about what friends he truly needs to hang out with. Anyway this upcoming week Colby will be at church came and neither will be there and honestly I am a little thankful for that. I think it will do Colby some good to be around other kids that aren't them. 
So the rest of the day was busy. we got home from church and ate lunch then the boys went off to mow my parent's yard. With my dad having that surgery a week and a half ago he still can't mow. Once they got home we all rested. That afternoon we cleaned up around the house then my parents came to stay with the kids while we went birthday shopping for colby. We don't get many "date nights" so it was nice to have an excuse to go out. We in the past have chosen to do this so it worked out well and I am glad we were able to arrange it. We first went to Academy. he has talked about getting a new scooter. His original one he got for his 5th b-day and its really too small for him now. So we got him a Razor one. I think he will enjoy it. We also got him a water bottle holder for his bike. We then went to eat at Huey P's pizza. It was good and we enjoyed the time to visit and be together as husband and wife. After that we ended the evening with a stop at Walmart. We got him a lego set. I think he's set! I cannot believe in a week he will be 9! So crazy! 

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