Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Birthday Party and SuperBowl Weekend

Wow this week has been crazy with the superbowl festivities in our hometown! Austin has been working like crazy! The downside to having such a big event in your town! Also we never get to participate in stuff like this b/c he is always working!! It has been exciting though just knowing its all happening and watching it on tv!
Saturday Colby had a birthday party for one of his little school friends. I was glad we had something to do to get us out of the house! I love birthday party Saturdays...it gives him something to do plus it usually wears him out enough to take a nap! The birthday party was fun. It was for Morgan who is actually in the 3 year old class but I think he and Colby play together at lunch bunch. It was at the bounce place near to our house. That was Colby's 3rd birthday there I think plus he's been there a couple other times. Its nice that its so close by! My mom kept Lindsay during the party though. I hated to bring her since it was for Colby's friend...plus last time we were there she had a blast but she was on the move constantly! She would have kept me busy for sure! It was also nice to just have that time with Colby! After the party we picked Lindsay up and headed home. It took us longer then normal to get home b/c there was a Mardi Gras parade in the area. Lindsay fell asleep in the car so I was worried she wouldn't nap when we got home but by the time I got them both fed and to bed they both ended up napping again like on Friday!
Sunday Austin had to work so it was just me and the kids for church. Things went really well though. They both love their classes! We got home and ate lunch and took naps! Well Colby didn't nap but he still stayed quiet in his room. That night we were supossed to go to our lifegroup Super Bowl party but with Austin working such a crazy week even though he was home by 5:00 we decided to hang out at home. We were all exhausted so we watched the game from home. I hate we never get to do anything exciting for Superbowl but that's just the season we are in. Its hard to get out at night with 2 little ones!

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