Sunday, June 19, 2016

Tennessee Day 3

So on Day was our first full day in Tennessee. We had made plans to go to Dollywood. We brought Colby when he was 2 1/2 but I don't think he remembered much. We got there right at 10 when they opened. The kids immediately wanted to ride the old fashioned cars so that is where we went first. They both LOVED the ride. After that we stopped at a Water ride along the way and decided to ride that. It was already super hot and we thought it might feel good. Needless to say we all got SOAKED! Colby loved the ride and thought it was hilarious but Lindsay not so much. She cried. I don't think it was the ride that scared her but she just hated the feeling of being wet. After that a snack cured any ill feeling between them and we headed off to the next adventure. We meandered through the park and decided to go ride an indoor roller coaster. We thought for sure Lindsay was tall enough for it but when we got there they said she wasn't. The boys rode it while she and I went and found a shady spot. After that she wanted to ride a coaster so we found one on the map that was 39 inches so we went to that. Honestly I expected a kiddie roller coaster but it was far from! It was huge and had some pretty big drops in it. Needless to say she was terrified. She liked it at first but then was scared. Colby said it made him feel like he was going to puke! Austin and I thought it was awesome! After that the kids were starving and hot so we decided to break for lunch. We ate chicken tenders and fries at a little place that was outside but had a cover and some fans. After that we decided to take the kids on the train as a nice winding down activity. We got stuck right in the front though so there wasn't much breeze and it was super hot! It was still fun though. After that we decided to go back to the cabin and cool off. They got to pick out a souvenir though on the way out. We got back to the cabin and all rested for awhile before going back. We left to go back around 4:30. When we arrived we were going to head straight for the old cars b/c that is what they both wanted to do again. Unfortunately by the time we got in line there was lightening and they had closed down the ride. We decided then that we needed to go ahead and eat dinner b/c we knew with rides closing everyone would be headed for the restaurants. We chose to eat at the southern buffet. It was really good and I think we all 4 enjoyed our meals. It was raining though by the time we got out. We skipped around to a few shops and tried to wait it out but it kept thundering and raining. We made our way back to the car area and went into the Dolly Museum. That took about an hour. By the time we got out it was still raining. We tried to wait it out awhile longer but the rain kept coming. At that point we decided to make our way towards the front of the park. We ended up having ice cream then left. I hated we didn't get to do more rides but we still had fun and it was a memorable day. We were all tired when we got back so it was baths and bed for everyone! 

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