Tuesday, June 7, 2016


After quite a busy week I was happy to see the weekend arrive. Friday we decided to take a break from errand running and VBS prep to enjoy being together. I needed some time to just be with the kids and enjoy them. We decided to go swimming at my parents house. They love this and my parents do too and its an easy way to get them out the house and some energy out. We got there about 9:30. We swam for about an hour and a half. Afterwards we came straight home. I hated to not stay and visit like Colby and my parents wished we would but I needed time at home. We got home and ate lunch and then I had time to do some clean up around the house. It was a MUCH needed break. The kids seemed to be in better moods. I think we all needed that time to slow down. They played and just enjoyed each other. We rested up before swim lessons. I couldn't believe they finished up a week of swim already. Both are doing so great! After swim we relaxed a bit then the kids had a grilled cheese picnic before the rain set in. I enjoyed visiting with them and enjoying the slightly cooler temps. The thunder finally chased us in. Since it was a stormy night Austin brought home a pizza for the 2 of us. We ate pizza and watched PAN for our Friday night movie. I loved that movie! The kids were exhausted though and def didn't complain about going to bed. 
Saturday I was up early. I just had so much on my mind about VBS. We had a birthday party that morning so we had to get going pretty early and quickly. We left the house about 9:30 but had to go to Target. We got the b-day present a couple other items. We hurried off to my parents house. The birthday party was for Makylee. It was just an all girl party so my parents kept Colby. It was nice for it to be just the little sisters though. Plus Colby was excited about having the grandparents to himself. The party was a little splash party in their backyard. It was perfect for the 3 little girls. They swam and played with squirters and a water table. After about an hour they went in and changed and played and watched Pocahontas. Then it was soon time for lunch and cake. It was a sweet little birthday party. I was so glad she and I got to do something like that together. The last thing Makylee did was open up her gifts. Lindsay and I left shortly after that b/c we had to pick colby up and go up to the mall to get his new glasses. That afternoon we took it easy. It was nice to not have to get back out. We had a very low key evening. 
Sunday Austin was off and it was a very busy day! we started ofcourse with 1st service. I had 12 I think in my class? It was a good morning and I felt like things went well. They are learning about creation this summer and the theme is trains! I am super excited about that! After church we first ate at Five Guys then we left to go to SAM's. We had to get the snacks for the preschool VBS. We also had to get a membership to SAM's. The whole process went smoothly. Since i've now done this 3 years I know exactly what we need and how much. We got back to the church and put the stuff away and organized a few things before leaving. We all got home and crashed after that! It was a nice low key evening. Austin made corn dogs and mac n cheese for supper. It was yummy and then we took a walk. That night everyone went to bed early to prep for a BUSY week of VBS! 

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