Monday, May 22, 2017

May Crazy

I title this post...May crazy b/c this entire month has been so busy and as the closer we get to school ending I feel like the crazier it has become! This month so far has seen the ending of kickball, Pinewood Derby for Scouts, Teacher Appreciation, Lindsay's Field Day and Last Days of school, Teacher lunches, Mother's Day, Austin's birthday, trip to Hattiesburg, Baseball game, and the list goes on! 
So here's a run down of our last week:
Monday Austin was off. It was nice to have him off to start our week. He ended up staying home with Lindsay that day while I had coffee with a friend then went to the grocery store. I enjoyed having one last coffee with a friend before the start of summer. She had also been my tagalong for quite a few days so it was nice to get a little alone time. He also had special daddy time with Colby during the weekend so it was nice he got to spend time with her too. Well the day seemed really busy b/c I didn't get home from the store until lunch time. That afternoon Austin got Colby from school. We grilled and enjoyed some time outside which was nice. It was great spending time together. 
Tuesday was a VERY busy day for me. My parents were so sweet to volunteer to keep Lindsay that day for me. They miss keeping her on Tuesdays since this year with big girl school she doesn't get to stay with them while I'm at Bible Study. It worked out well though b/c me and a couple ladies had made plans to go visit an older lady in our church who has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. We stayed over an hour. It was nice talking to her daughter and son who I have both known my entire life. I think the visit meant a lot to all of them. After that I was off to our Bible Study luncheon. We ate out at Red Maple this year. It was fun and nice to spent more time visiting with ladies I don't normally get to talk to much. It lasted about 2 hours though so by the time I got home I was just emotionally and mentally worn out. I really felt so drained the rest of the day. I picked the kids up and we came home and I had a little while to relax before having to cook dinner. Austin worked later that day so I felt like we didn't see much of him. 
Wednesday was the very day I needed in the midst of the chaos. I have really felt a little bad that I haven't been able to do super fun stuff with Lindsay while she's been out of school. Life has just been so busy. She's been quite the trooper though and hung in there with whatever I've had to do. We ended up going to breakfast at Chickfila. This is something we did all the time the last few years so it was a nice treat. Afterwards we had to run to Petsmart and Hobby Lobby. I enjoyed just taking my time and shopping and chatting with her. She's such a great errand buddy. After we finished we came home and spent the rest of the day here. It was lovely to have some down time. She enjoyed playing and watching tv and I was able to catch up on some much needed housework. 
That evening we had church though. We had missed 2 straight weeks so it was definitely good to be back. We had 6 kids in our class. Ryan helped me out though which was nice and also gave Patti Rae and I a chance to meet about VBS. 
Thursday was my music day again. Once again Lindsay had to come with me. This time though she was more comfortable and she stuck with the big kids mostly. I think she definitely enjoyed it more. She was invited to a friend's kinder graduation celebration but we were both so tired. Wednesday nights and Thursday mornings are tough and I couldn't imagine being away from the house the entire day! I knew it would cause me to be in an awful mood that night. I hated to miss the party b/c its a friend from church that we don't get to see much due to life's crazy and different schedules. Anyway so she and I had a brief time to relax before picking Colby up. That night Austin worked late so the kids and I had left overs. 

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