Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sunny, Summer Days

Well another week of summer is coming to a close! I can't believe that June is flying by! I am thankful Colby still has all of July and August! I know the days seem so long sometimes but I am thankful to be a stay at home mommy and make these sweet summer memories with my children!
Monday Austin was off so we wanted to do something special as a family. We took Colby and Lindsay to the Children's Museum. This was Lindsay's 2nd time to go. She always does so well when we take her out like this. The last time we went though she was still pretty small. This time she seemed to really take in stuff. She stayed in the stroller but loved looking around at all the kids and bright colors! Colby had an absolute blast! We gave him about 3 choices of what he would like to do and he chose the museum. He loves it there. His favorite thing is playing with the cars and trains at the train table. He even packed up some of his own cars to take. We pretty much let him do what he wants when we go. He grocery shopped and spent most of his time in the toddler room. He is really getting too big for the toddler room but he took his shoes off and ran around having a blast. We stayed until about noon. By that time we knew Lindsay was getting tired and I figured there was no way she was going to sleep in there. We left with intentions of going out to eat but she never did fall asleep in the car so she had been awake a long time. We decided instead to just pick up Chickfila. We came home and rested the afternoon. Its always so nice to have Austin here with us.
Tuesday I had Bible Study. It was the first week that I was able to go only the 2nd of the study though. Elizabeth invited me to go to one at Calvary. I usually either do Bible studies with our church or through mops but this last semester with having a newborn and learning to balance life with 2 kids I hadn't gotton back involved in one. I was so excited to go! Its nice to be back at my old church and be around many ladies that I have known just about my entire life. Its also nice to do something like this for myself and my spiritual growth. I feel like I am in a hard place right now with spiritual things. I have a hard time finding time for a quiet time...that is no excuse I could always wake earlier or stay up later but I just feel like I struggle with that time. I also work in our nursery at church so I am not involved in an adult Sunday School class and I often miss out on worship services. So all that to say I am very excited about starting this study. Its on Tuesdays for 1 hour so its really conveniant for me...its 10-11 in the morning which I like also. They offer childcare so I took Colby with me b/c I figured since he is out of school right now he would enjoy the time with other kids...I brought Lindsay to my parent's house b/c that is her lunch/naptime. Its not hard to get from their house to the church so its really not a big deal at all to have them in different places. I loved the study and it really convicted me. Colby also had a blast. I was so proud of my big boy for going into a strange place and doing just fine! After the study I promised him lunch at Chickfila before we picked up Lindsay. My friend Jenny and her 2 sons met us there along with Aunt Lizzie which Colby loved. Chickfila I swear will be our new once a week hang out! Its such a nice place to go. I feel like we can eat fairly healthy, its clean, and Colby can play before we leave! Win Win! We picked Lindsay up and ofcourse stayed for awhile so Colby could play.
Wednesday I decided that morning I would pack the kids up and we would visit the library. Colby had some books that needed to be turned back in anyway. I love taking them to the library. I have been taking Colby since he was not even 1. Its amazing how much he has learned too! He used to run around like a mad man but now he has learned you have to stay quiet. He loves to get on the computer and look at pbskids or nickjr. I don't allow him to get on the computer at home so he has no idea what he's doing he just likes seeing the characters from tv. He played in the castle clubhouse and we looked at books. I hated they weren't having a storytime but we still had fun! I am hoping to get him back to storytime soon but we have just been so busy this summer. I will definitely bring Lindsay in the fall when he returns to school since she will be 9 months which is about the age I started bringing C. The rest of the day we hung out at home until that evening. My friend Stefanie and her husband were in town for the night. We met up with them for dinner. We went to Mulate's. I had never been there before but it was really yummy! It was nice to get out and eat with no kids plus to catch up with old friends! I feel like we don't take as many date nights as we should but now I guess that Lindsay is older we should probably do that once a month! We had a great time and didn't get home until after 10. Colby was still awake when we got home it was hard to get him to wind down.
Thursday I decided to take the kids swimming at my parent's house. I try to do this once a week with them especially for Colby's sake. I know since swim lessons ended he has really missed getting in the pool daily. We got over there around 9:45. I decided to go on and take Lindsay in this time. I figured she might really like it even though last time she only lasted about 10 min. I was right! She LOVED it! She stayed in about 30 minutes this time. She splashed and kicked like she knew what she was doing! I think she will be a natural swimmer! So adorable! Plus I just love her ruffly Minnie Mouse suit she was wearing! Girl swimsuits are TOO fun! My mom got her out after about 30 min b/c she was just starting to fuss but we were also worried about her fair skin getting burned. My dad and Colby and I stayed in a little while longer. Soon we all went in and I fed Lindsay her lunch and got her down for a nap then we ate lunch. Colby always has so much fun playing over there. He usually captures my dad's attention and has him playing all kinds of crazy games with him! Its cute! My mom and I did some planning for church during that time which was good. We finally got home around 3ish. I was exausted...I let Colby unwind to some TV shows while I laid on the couch while Lindsay took another nap. Austin worked late again so it was me being super mom cooking dinner and bathing kids haha!
Friday we had a stay at home day. These are RARE in our house! We usually have to get out and do something! I have to admit it wasn't terrible though! I guess with all the running we have been doing we needed it! We mainly relaxed and took a walk. The walk was nice but it sure was HOT! Again it was nice to slow down and have that time with my 2 babies though! I know these days are crazy but I know I will miss them!

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