Thursday, June 6, 2013

VBS & Grandparents

So this week has been VBS for Colby and I. This is Colby's third year of doing VBS. He participated as a worker's kid when he was 1 1/2 and 2 1/2. This was his first official year though. I also got to be his teacher! We are in prekindergarten class. Its been a tiring week but I have enjoyed it. I think Colby is enjoying it but I can also tell he's getting tired. We have averaged 20 kids each day. I think we have 22-24 total though on our roll. He has some friends from school in his class so that's been good. He's also made some new friends.
Here's how our schedule has been every day:
8:00-8:30 Free Play
8:30-9:00 Craft Time in Room
9:00-9:30 Games outside
9:30-10:00 Clubhouse (Bible Story & Music)
10:00-10:30 Snack
10:30-11:00 Recess
11:00-12:00 Craft/storytime in Room

As you can see we have a full schedule! I have really enjoyed teaching and working with kids again! I sometimes miss this since I am a SAHM. But at the same time I have no idea how I would do this every day and come home to my own kids. I feel like I have been so useless at night and have no energy for them! I am so thankful for our church and that there are so many fun things for the kids to learn more about Jesus! Colby is learning so much! Oh and our stories have been:
Monday -Adam and Eve
Tuesday- Abraham
Wednesday- Moses
Thursday - Easter Story

So also to make our week even crazier Austin's parents came down Tuesday. Monday my mom watched Lindsay while we were at VBS. So Tuesday Austin was off he kept Lindsay. His parents got here around 11. So when Colby and I came home we all ate lunch together. Then he and Colby and his parents ran some errands. It was nice that I got a little bit of quiet time after a busy morning. Plus it made it easier for Lindsay to take her nap. That afternoon Colby played outside on the water slide they brought for us to use for Colby's party. I kept Lindsay inside. She has been battling a cold this week and I was worried about her getting hot and or swimming. With VBS I hated for her to spend the week sick and me be gone every day. That evening we grilled hamburgers then we got the kids ready for bed. I hated that they didn't get to stay up late and play but we were all in need of bedtime!
Wednesday Austin was off again so his parents and my parents did breakfast with Austin and Lindsay. Then they ran errands before Colby and I got home. Apparently though they stayed out too long and Lindsay melted down. Well when Colby and I got home I was so tired and in a bad mood. We quickly ate then they packed up and left. Again I hated we didn't get to hang out and do as much but this was such a busy week for us. Plus we all needed to be fairly well rested to make it through the 5 day week!
Tomorrow is our last day! I think we will miss it but it will also be nice to get back into our somewhat lazy summer routine although next week is already shaping up to be pretty busy!

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