Tuesday, June 16, 2015

3 1/2

This month my baby turned 3 1/2. I cannot believe it and how fast she is growing up! It is hard to believe! 
She's such a sweetie. She really is for the most part an easy child. She goes with the flow very well and can be agreeable to things her brother never would be. She does well on vacation and being out of a routine. She used to be a very hard child but I am seeing less and less of that which is awesome. Although don't get my wrong she can still be quite stubborn. She hates the doctor and dentist...STILL! When she has her mind set against something its very hard to change. She can also hold a grudge. She is also very good at playing the damsel in distress! 
She's very smart and very well spoken. I attribute a lot of this to her having a 6 year old brother. She loves "school" work and can already trace numbers and letters. Her fine motor skills have always been impressive. 
She's still small but doesn't seem as small as she used to be. I am not sure her percentile or weight. I would guess she weighs about 34 or so pounds. She wears size 3T just fine but can still squeeze in some size 2T. But my little tiny princess has huge feet. She sports a size 10 shoe. 
She did great this past year in preschool. She never cried and always loved going. She has true little friendships now. Her best friends are: Claire, Layla, Zoe, Geneveive, and Mia. 
She is doing awesome in swim lessons also. She has overcome a lot of her "stranger anxiety". She can still be a little shy at times but she has come out of her shell a lot! 
She is still a really picky eater! She basically survives on carbs, cheese, yogurt, fruit, applesauce. She rarely eats meat and mostly on Chickfila chicken. She won't touch a vegetable unless its in a pouch. 
I cannot believe how quickly she is growing up! She will go to 4 day a week 4 year preschool next year! 
She loves all things princess and dolls. But she also enjoys playing cars with her brother. She can sit down and read books and do activity pages for awhile as well. She loves swimming and other outdoor things. She also loves animals. 
I cannot wait to see what the next 6 months bring! 

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