Monday, March 28, 2011

And the Birthday Continues

Today was a continuation of birthday celebrations! I feel like its been going on forever ha! Anyway Austin was off today so we decided we would go out to Lakeside and get a few things accomplished. One of the things was to buy me an ipad 2 that was going to be my b-day present from Austin & Colby. I also was hoping to get Colby's Easter picture taken with the bunny and ride the train. We don't go out to Lakeside too often but we do try to go each season when they have the train set up. We went to the Easter bunny first while Colby was in a great mood. He did so well! I am so glad he's not scared of "characters". We aren't playing the easter bunny up real big to him. I mean I'm sure we will say he visited and left the eggs but nothing major I mean I do Santa but I don't want to consume my child with too many characters I want him to realize the real reason for Easter. He was so cute saying "hey bunny" while he was on his lap. After taking pictures we took him to the train. He was the only kid on it but he didn't care! He smiled and laughed and I think the lady let him go around extra times! He was having a ball!

After the train we went to the apple store to try and buy the ipad 2. They informed us though that you have to arrive at 7am and wait in line until 9am and the sell out by 10am. I found that to be ridiculous b/c you aren't even guaranteed what you want. So we ended up coming home and buying mine online. Since that didn't work out we went to PB kids to check on Colby's bunk beds. Colby loves that store and all the things to "play" with. He had a blast with their kitchen set! I wish we had enough room in our house to get him a kitchen but we just don't right now. After we played in that store for awhile Austin wanted to go spring clothes shopping for himself so I brought Colby down to the Disney Store. He loves just looking around in there. His favorite area though is ofcourse the "CARS" stuff! I found him some really cute Mickey Mouse beach wear. We are going to Destin in May and then with swim lessons I figured he could use just one more swimsuit. I think this is his 3rd that I have bought so far. Last year he had 5 or 6 which he will probably end up with this year when its all said and done. I also let him go to the "CARS" area and pick out a couple for his Easter basket. I figured he won't remember by the end of April. After our shopping we took a potty break then went to eat in the food court!

When we got home Austin wanted to work in the yard so I tried to rest while Colby rested. Colby didn't end up taking a nap though so I didn't either. I think he was too excited about the birthday party at Grammy's.

We went over to my parent's around 5. Colby loves the family get togethers. He played outside around the pool while the men grilled. He wanted so badly to jump in. I know it won't be long until swim season maybe by the end of April. Colby was a riot during dinner and the rest of the night. He talks so much and just enjoyed being around everyone and making us laugh. My mom blew up a couple balloons for him and he thought that was the best! It was so great visiting with everyone! I love that we have a family get together almost once a month. Its nice to go back "home" and hang out. By the end of the night Colby was exausted since he had no nap but he hung in there really well without getting cranky. I remember when he was a baby and it was harder to enjoy those gatherings b/c he would get so fussy!

We had a wonderful day and really enjoyed Austin being off again! Now we will be back to our normal routine for a few days! Today (Tuesday) Colby went to school so I was able to run a couple errands then enjoy my quiet time at home! I love when I can actually come home and enjoy that it doesn't happen often with our busy schedules!

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