Friday, March 4, 2011

Mardi Gras Fun

Thursday was a busy morning for colby and I. He had school and I had MOPS. Atleast they are down the street from each other I don't have to drive far. MOPS was good we learned about arranging flowers and doing ribbons. I wish I had more time to have stuff like that around my house. Maybe when Colby is in school more. I feel like right now I am meeting myself coming and going though just with housework I don't have a lot of extra time to spend on decorating. Colby had a good time at was his last day before Mardi Gras. They are out for a week!

The rest of the day we were pretty lazy I have been so tired lately.

Today was a busy morning as well. We went over to the church to do some spring sprucing. Now that my mom and I are in charge we have taken over the decorating also of the nursery. We had previously decorated it for Valentine's and so we had to take all that down and get the spring stuff up. After working in there Colby and I drove back across the river to go to his school Mardi Gras parade. Even though he doesn't go to school on M, W, F his teacher invited him and I to come back for the parade. It was really cute. At first he didn't want to go in but then he warmed up once he saw a couple of his friends and his teacher. The older kids decorated wagons and their parents and or older siblings pulled them around the gym. They tossed beads to the younger kids. I think Colby thought it was fun! I was glad we got to go! Again the rest of our day has been lazy...its been raining so we didn't even get to go outside. We will be enjoying some indoor activites I guess the rest of the day. Austin is going to try to come home tonight which I am glad...I hate when he has to stay at the hotel. Tomorrow though he will have to stay so Colby and I plan on getting out to run errands in the morning then maybe go visit with my parents tomorrow evening.

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