Thursday, August 22, 2013

Lindsay's Big Day!

So today Lindsay and I had a very fun girls morning! I am really loving this special time with her. We decided to hang out with a friend who has a daughter a year older then Lindsay. Both their big brothers are in full day school now so we thought it would be fun to take the little sisters on a playdate. We first met at PJ's since we are all out the house so early and nothing else is opened! Lindsay enjoyed her banana nut bread and milk. We took the girls to the Aquarium after that! This was her first trip the Aquarium without big bro. She has been 3-4 other times. Recently we took Colby on his birthday and she seemed to really like it then! Today was a great day to go! We pretty much had the entire place to ourselves! The girls loved running around. We just went with the flow wherever they wanted to go. We didn't spend much time actually looking at fish. We spent most of our time in the play area and by the big shark tank where they climbed chairs and ate their snacks. It was just really just getting to enjoy her! Don't get me wrong I REALLY miss Colby on trips like this but its nice getting to enjoy and see her personality come out!
Tonight we also went to Aurora for her parent orientation night. Even though this is now old hat to us...this was our 4th parent orientation there =) we still went with smiles on our faces! I'm excited about the new adventures awaiting her there. Colby loved AUMC and made so many close friends there! It did bring back that emotion though of knowing he's a big boy now and has left preschool world and now my baby girl is entering that place he entered 3 years ago! So hard to believe how quickly that happens! It was 3/4 of the way through his first year that I found out I was pregnant with Lindsay! Anyway we are excited about her starting MDO. She will be in a class of 8. Well actually they have 2 teachers for those 8 children and 2 rooms so for some activities they will be split...other times they will be together. I am sure they will go to recess together. I think Lindsay is one of the younger ones there although she technically is considered in the "2 year" class b/c she makes the Dec 31st cutoff. I know she will love it! She will have school on M, W, and F. I really only want her to attend 2 days a week. I thought they were going to offer T, TH this year but I guess not. Its ok though I will still probably only send her on M and W. But it will be nice to have that 3rd day option I guess. She starts the Wednesday after Labor Day!
I know this post has been mostly about Lindsay but I have one quick little insert about big brother just for my own memory. Colby had to clip down today for the first time in k. I wasn't mad at him and didn't punish him...I knew it would happen eventually. He's the type of kid that will get in trouble once and it will stick! I think he went to timeout once in prek 3 and once in prek4! Anyway he apparently was talking/making noise in the bathroom. We have learned that Nigel must be a trouble maker b/c Colby talks about him clipping down daily. And go figure that's who Colby was with. Anyway we just had a nice talk about making good choices and that next time if someone is doing that he should just do his business and leave the bathroom. I made him tell me the story though which he didn't like but I wanted him to understand the importance of honesty. I felt bad bc I think it really made him sad and nervous to tell me. But I know he won't always be perfect at school he just has to learn from this! Anyway all that said I just want to be able to remember that! But other then that so far he's still doing great in kindergarten! We are so proud!

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