Monday, August 26, 2013

Playdate Disaster & Weekend Highlites

Well we are having a pretty quiet weekend here. Last night the kids and I just took it easy! I think by Friday we are all SO tired! I picked up McDonald's for the kids per Colby's request. I figure after a full week of school he deserves a fun dinner plus momma is too tired to cook! I promised the kids after dinner we would take a walk! We went a mile! It was still kinda hot but not too bad we had a nice time! I really want to encourage a healthy lifestyle and physical activity with the kids. Colby loves riding his bike and actually asked to go the extra 1/2 mile. Lindsay still enjoys riding and looking around in her stroller. After we got home it was bathtime. We put the kids to bed between 7-8 during the week so on Fridays its more like 8-9. Cinderella was on tv so I let them stay up and watch it. That's sort of our Friday reward too! A movie b/c during the week Colby is only allowed to watch 30-60 min of tv. After such a busy week it was nice to just sit and relax with them.
Saturday was another slow day for us. I know as fall goes on Saturdays will probably get more and more hectic. After going somewhere all week all I want to do is stay home! We decided to have one of Colby's preschool friends over for a playdate since it was rainy and we were staying home anyway. It was nice having someone for him to play with. I feel bad b/c I feel like we don't do this often enough. They had fun but there was also a lot of fighting. I am really not sure what the deal was...they used to play together so well. I mean there were times they weren't fighting but there was definitely more then usual. The playdate ended when Colby locked himself in our office. I probably over reacted but by this time they had been slamming, locking, and playing with doors after I had fussed a few times. Also the only other time Colby has locked the office door was another time Max was over. I am not sure what they were doing. Colby says he was just trying to get away from Max b/c he kept trying to take his I dunno. Colby did get punished though...he has learned the art of locking doors and is doing it more and more recently. His bedroom and the bathroom are one thing but I was very angry about him locking the office b/c yes there are toys in there but its also mommy and daddy's space and its where the cat boxes are. Luckily he got himself out but I was still perturbed. I hated the playdate ended on a bad note like that. Also Colby was tired...a week of kindergarten is wearing him out and not napping. Thankfully we were all able to lay day and rest. We did another icecream run that evening after dinner. I am liking starting this new Saturday tradition! We drive down to B.C. and get icecream then just drive around while we eat our icecream so the whole thing takes about 45 minutes its just a nice uninteruppted family time!
Sunday was finally a busy day for us! Austin was off and we were able to go to church as a family! Always a blessing! Today was Pastor Michael's 5 year Anniversary. They did a special service to recognize God's work done at Calvary over the last 5 years. It was a really special service. The kids seemed to do really well in their classes. Lindsay has gotten to where she walks in and no crying! So nice for mama! We spent the afternoon at home relaxing and watching the Saints play. Its so nice to get home early! That night we went to lifegroup. This is our 2nd week of the fall semester. We have several new people so its a totally different group then last year. Its nice though! I really enjoy the fellowship and conversations. Colby also enjoys playing with Jax and Tiano. We still don't bring Lindsay...not b/c of her early bedtime but b/c 1 there are no kids her age there and she isn't old enough to consider it really a playtime. I am not sure how she would do being closed up in someone's bedroom and if she were out with the adults she would be completely distracting. So that was our weekend...they go by soo fast! I am glad we have Austin home Monday then we go out of town Friday after school so it'll be a short week!

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