Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Mississippi Coast for the Day

So today felt like our first really big summer family day since our Destin trip! With VBS behind us I feel like we can finally enjoy ourselves again! Not that VBS wasn't great it just consumed our lives for a couple weeks!
So we discussed a few days ago going to the MS gulf coast. There is a great children's museum there that we took Colby when he was 1 and we thought it might be fun to return. Also Lindsay has been asking about the beach every day so we thought a little visit to a beach would be cool too!
We set out early this morning! We picked the kids up donut holes for the trip over! They LOVED that! Donut holes and milk in the car kept them quiet and busy for quite awhile! ;) We got to the museum right at 10 when they opened. Lindsay was a little overwhelmed at first! Austin's parents met us there with Shelbi and Maggie so I think just between going to a new place and so many people she was shy at first but not for long! Colby had a blast and it was great tht he had his cousins to play with! They were all old enough to sort of go off and do their own thing! They went with us the time before but Colby hardly played with them due to his age! So this time it was great at 10, 7, and 5 they could kinda roam on their own! Lindsay also did her best to keep up with them! She and I went off a few times by ourselves. I think she enjoyed the museum and playing but she's not into the role playing and playing on the trains/boats. She did find this thing where you let 2 golfballs go down these ramps and she had a blast with that! She could have stayed there all day! Needless to say when some other boys came to play with it she freaked out and pitched quite the fit! The kids also enjoyed playing outside in the treehouses! Its so fun watching the 4 of them all play together! To end the visit Lindsay and the girls went to the art room and made pictures with crayons and paint. Colby wanted no part of this. He likes art but he would rather be moving around playing on the big stuff...not really a surprise there!
After the museum we were going to eat at The Shed. One of our main reasons for going to the Coast but on the way there we learned they were closed on Mondays. We passed a Five Guys so we just decided to eat there. I think everyone was hungry and tired at that point. After lunch we said goodbye to his parents and nieces and we were off on our own adventure.
We had decided to stop somewhere on the beach for Lindsay! She has been asking about the beach since we came home from Florida. We found a public area and got out. We didn't bring swimsuits so we could only let the kids walk on the edge of the water so they were a little upset. Colby was also distressed b/c the water and sand isn't as pretty as FL. Yes they have been spoiled. It was still fun and still a memory though and I think Lindsay liked soaking her little feet in the gulf! Our little beach bum! Afterwards we took our time driving back the scenic way. Lindsay did end up falling asleep and Colby watched a movie!
It was a great and fun day but also tiring! We had a blast! So glad we got to have a family fun day like that though! I know summer is going to fly by before we know it!

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