Thursday, June 5, 2014


So this week we are doing VBS at our church. This year I was asked to co-direct the preschool. This is the first year I have ever done anything like that. Since I have been an adult I have usually just taught or helped teach a prek class. I was overwhelmed at the thought and nervous when I was asked but also felt God calling me to do this position.
All that said Ashley and I have worked very hard for the last 2 months to get us to this week! Its been a busy week and a few stressful moments but due to all of our preperations ahead of time I feel like its run pretty smoothly. I wasn't sure how I would like being "over" something rather then just teaching but I think I might have found a new calling. I mean I was co-director of our nursery at MBC but this is only my 2nd time having any type of experience with this.
I think I would do it again if asked but I think I would want to serve along side someone atleast next year. I think its something I could do alone in a few years with both kids are in full time school but until I get to that point I really feel like I need backup.
The week has been interesting but I have enjoyed this point of view! Yes in certain ways I do miss "Teaching" and interacting and getting to know the kids on a more personal basis. I have though enjoyed getting to interact with all the classes instead of just one. I have gotten a taste of games, crafts, worship, snack, everything! I honestly like this position...ALOT! Yes it was alot of work and yes it was very stressful at times but we made it through. I know its only b/c of God that we did though! We basically have helped out wherever/whenever needed. I feel like we have tried to make it as easy as possible for the teachers. None of the teachers had worked in our preschool area before. A couple of them are teachers and one in particular has been AWESOME! Looking forward to having some of these ladies help us on Sundays as well!
Colby has been in the kindergarten class. I miss teaching him in some ways but I know its good for him to interact with others and I am sure he does better not being with me. I am ok teaching my own kids but he does tend to whine and be more disagreeable when he's with me. He seems like he's really had a fun week. He was so excited to be with his friend Nijel. A lot of his other classmates are there as well. He went about 2 weeks with not much interaction with kids his age so I think this week has been good for him. Now that we are winding down though I can tell he's tired and ready to move onto something else HA! He's had Mrs. Donna as his teacher which she was one of the teachers in preschool at Calvary so he is familiar with her. I am excited about him continuing to learn about Jesus and hopefully one day choose to accept him as his Savior. The pastor presented the Gospel plan to them today. He hasn't said much about it but it appears like he was listening. I am just not sure he "gets" it all yet.
Lindsay could have attended VBS with me and been in the childcare portion but I really felt like she would have been bored being there so long every day this week. Austin was off M and T and kept her at home and the other days my parents have had her. I think she has had fun but I am sure she will also be glad for her little life to go back to normal!
Its been a great week though and I am so thankful!

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