Sunday, August 3, 2014


So after yesterday's excitment the day just got more exciting....anyway so when Lindsay woke up from her nap yesterday I noticed she was breathing funny and she was saying her mouth hurt. At first I was worried thinking she swallowed something in her room but then I thought well maybe she just slept with her mouth open and her throat got dry. All day she acted as if she felt fine. I would notice every now and then though that she had a croupy/hoarse sounding little voice. She ran around though pretty much as normal. Close to bedtime though was when I started to worry a little. I checked on her several times before I went to bed and her breathing sounded so weird. I could tell though her lungs were fine that it was coming more from her throat. I even put some oils on her before bed hoping to open things up some. We turned on the baby monitors which we haven't had on in forever! Around midnight I heard her crying/whimpering. Austin went to check on her and then I went in. At this point I was really worried and didn't think she should sleep alone. Austin said he would sleep on the couch and she and I could have the bed. Well her weird breathing I felt like was keeping me awake. Then I thought the best thing would be to sit up in the recliner with her. this seemed to help but the longer I thought that I would not be able to sleep and get comfie there. I finally decided to put her in the bathroom with me and turn on the shower. The steam really seemed to help. Afterwards we got the diffuser and put some oils in that I thought would also help open her up. With all of that she really seemed to improve and I felt better laying her down in the bed. Her breathing seemed to get better and she seemed to feel better. Needless to say she stayed up for about 2+ hours. I finally had to fuss at her and tell her to go to sleep! I think we got about 2-3 good hours of sleep before Austin was up getting ready for work.
Once we all got up I knew she didn't need to go to tennis/swimming with Colby. I wasn't sure about the doc...I always try to treat at home and avoid the doc but I just didn't feel comfortable waiting this one out. I went ahead and called and her usual Dr. was in today. That confirmed it for me that we needed to go on in. Even if it was nothing I love visiting with our doc and I feel like she takes the time to listen to me and doesn't ever over-medicate. I called my parents to see if they could take Colby to tennis and swimming. I didn't want him to miss out on his Saturday. Thankfully they were able to take him. I ended up getting Lindsay a 10:20 appt. It wasn't how I wanted to spend my Saturday but I was so thankful we were going to see our own doc and not going to the ER tonight like has happened twice in the past! Anyway the doc took about an hour and a half. She was pretty patient but still flips out about being weighed and measured! I have no idea when she will get over that! The dr came in and immediately diagnosed her with croup! Apparently its going around bad! She didn't say but I am really starting to think it was allergy/environmentally induced. She also said she had stridors which meant that b/c of the size of her throat it was getting close to closing up meaning she was having a hard time breathing. I know it must have been pretty serious b/c she offered a steroid shot which HAS never been offered to either of my kids. Colby has had 1 breathing treatment at the doc office but never received any other kind of meds there. Anyway she said we could also do liquid steroids which I opted for. My reason for this is a) she already hates the doc so if she would have gotten a steroid shot she would prolly never want to go back and b) those shots make me like with Colby I probably would have given him the option but Lindsay just seems so small only 26 lbs to have something like that injected in her. I figured with the liquid form its atleast more spread out. They gave her 2 doses though which again I know they must have considered her pretty sick. I am just so thankful I took her to the doc and so thankful for our relationship with Dr. Vigour. We have known her since Colby was a baby and she became our primary pediatrician when he turned 2.
Anyway the rest of the day was obviously pretty low key. I knew this also meant we would miss church on Sunday. I was a little sad about this b/c I love going to church and teaching my preschoolers. Plus I love that on Sundays my kids get to be with their friends and they both love church so much! But I knew she didn't need to get anyone else sick in case she is contagious and she really needed to rest as well and not risk catching anything else. We did run a few errands today though which again felt weird shopping on a Sunday. But we got Colby's school Bible so now he is 100% set for school! YAY!
Looking forward to the next 2 days with Austin though and doing some fun stuff as a family before school goes back!

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