Tuesday, December 15, 2009

church and gymrompers (our only outings in this rainy season we are having)

So we haven't gotton out much since we returned from our trip due to the bad weather. So the 2 outtings we have had we have tried to soak up every moment and enjoy it. It even seems as if Colby understands this too. Sunday we went to church like usual. Colby was very good in Sunday School. It was just him though I just keep hoping one week we will actually have more kids! My mom was with him in extended care and she said he also did well in there. Sunday night was our Christmas music at church so we went back for that. Colby enjoyed it last year...well he fell asleep but the music seemed to really calm him. So we hoped we would make it through the whole thing this year. He hasn't been with us much in church since then maybe only 1 other time and we had to leave. But he did so well! I figured he would enjoy it since it was all music. I kept him busy with teddy grahms for the first half. He started to get a little antsy so we blocked him in on our row and just let him play on the floor. I had to get up with him a couple times just to stand up but for a 1 year old I think he did pretty awesome!
Today was Gymrompers! Again we were excited just to get out! The weather is still bad but this made Gymrompers even more fun. Since we can't really go outside least Colby could run around in an enclosed area. He had a blast too! He did so much...he is really starting to be a daredevil. He used to be more timid there but he gets right in the middle of things now! I have been contemplating if I should do another session or not since we have done 2 in a row I thought about trying something different but now he seems to like it so much and its great for such an active boy who loves climbing so I am now thinking of signing him up for the spring too!

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