Monday, March 11, 2013


Well this has seemed like a longer then usual weekend. But all in all its been nice except the fact that Colby is not feeling 100%. Friday since he didn't go to school he came with me to Lindsay's 15 month doc appointment. This was the first time I brought both kids to the doc alone. They both ended up doing VERY well! After the doc I promised Colby a trip to the toy store. He ended up getting a doggie carrier and some vet stuff. My little boy and his love for animals. The rest of the day was very low key after that. With Colby being sick and such a busy week we just hung out at home.
Saturday even with the sickness plauging our house I knew we needed an outting. Its always nice to have a low key Saturday though. I called my mom and dad to see if they wanted to meet us at a local park then do lunch. The kids really enjoyed the park and the weather was fabulous! Springtime is here! I could tell Colby still didn't feel good though he didn't do nearly as much running around as he normally would. Lindsay had a ball though! She's really getting to that age she needs these types of outtings to burn off all her crazy toddler energy! She is so social too she loves watching and playing with the other kids. We stopped at a pizza place after to grab some lunch. We have been eating at home all week and I didn't feel like messing up the kitchen. Colby didn't hardly eat but Lindsay made up for that! She ate a TON! Anyway it was nice visiting with my parents and hanging out. Afterwards we came home and just rested. Again Colby still not feeling well so we just hung around at home.
Sunday we had hoped to go to church but Colby still woke up coughing and not seeming himself. I really hate to miss church and had Austin been home one of us would have brought Lindsay b/c I think she is ready to get out the house! Anyway since we stayed home we took a walk. I could tell colby didn't have as much energy as normal. He was pretty mopey all day. He didn't really even want to eat/drink which concerned me. Finally my parents called that afternoon and asked if they could take him for icecream. I think that perked him up. They said he enjoyed the outting and even played at the park. When he got home he ended up going to the potty then seemed to feel REALLY good after that! We figured by that point he was fine. We were all looking forward to a new week and getting back to routine!

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