Thursday, January 28, 2016


So as I left off in my last blog about my car. I was so shocked when I discovered the window broken. I was truly in shock. I stood there for a moment not even sure if it was real. I at first thought maybe someone had just bashed the window to be mean or something had hit it. I really didn't even think about my purse. But I looked in and saw it was gone. I was just absolutely stunned. Not only that this could happen at my daughter's preschool but that it could happen in five minutes while I walked her in. 
I immediately called Austin b/c I wasn't even sure of what to do. Thank God they didn't take my cell phone. He immediately left work and was on his way after stopping at the bank. I then called 911. I then called my parents. I figured while Austin was dealing with the bank and the cops were trying to get there they would come out. They got there. Ofcourse half the school ended up staying with me as well. We were all stunned, angry, and upset! We ended up waiting 2 hours or more for the cops! And the only reason we got them out there that quickly is b/c of our friend that is in the force. I was thankful for all those who kept me company while we waited. 
Finally about 11:15 or so the cop got there. It took awhile for us to get through all that. It was 12 or after before we were finally ready to leave. Austin drove the busted out van and I drove his truck. We came home...regathered our thoughts then went for some lunch.  We were both STARVING! We then stopped at the bank. We came back picked up the van dropped it off and went to the DMV. I was never so glad then when I picked the kids up that afternoon and we all got home. It was such a relief after everything. That night was spent trying to sort through details and pick up the pieces. We had many phone calls to make. 
Saturday I already felt crazy just trying to adjust to this new life of no purse and no money and no way to pay for things. I had semi-decided on taking the kids to the mall so I could shop for a new wallet and Colby could get some new glasses. While we were getting ready Austin called and said they had written checks. So that made our day crazy. We ended up meeting at my parents house and going to the police station. I was mad that half my day was wasted! I love my weekends and I hated all day I felt like a crazy lady. We were blessed though to run into the same cop and he was able to add the checks to the rest of our report. We ate lunch with my parents then he went back to work and I brought the kids home. We tried to rest and relax the rest of the day and just re-coup from the crazy! 

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