Monday, January 18, 2016

The Busy Life

Last week we were officially back into the swing of things and it felt like a very busy week. Monday was my usual grocery day while the kids were at school. Tuesday the kids had school and I went to Target. Wednesday was my day to come home. I always enjoy some down time at home while the kids are in school. Its a much welcome break. That evening we had a children's leadership training meeting. It was good to be back and see everyone and get excited about a new year ahead in children's ministry. It did mean for a late night though which after a couple months break is going to take some getting used to again. Thursday the kids were in school and I had a hair appointment. I enjoyed the couple hours of down time and visiting with my hair dresser. That whole day was busy then that night we had Cubscouts. They are still learning about the flag and how to properly handle it. It was a good night though and as always Colby and Lindsay had a blast! I cannot believe this year of Cubscouts is winding down though! 

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