Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Terrible Two's

Ok so after I joyously posted about how great our week had been ofcourse we had a terrible night. We put Colby to bed at 8 well he came out of his room crying twice between 8 and 9. He fell asleep sometime around 9. He then repeated this at 1:30 am, 4:30 am, and was up for the day at 6:30 am. He didn't wake up this much as a baby! Its confusing since he can't tell us what is wrong. Physically he seems fine...we think he is cutting his 2 year molars so this could be it but we still aren't sure. They don't seem to bother him during the day other then the fact he is back to chewing on his fingers and other objects.
On the other hand not sure if its some type of separation anxiety or dreams...he usually calms down once he sees us but doesn't really want us to leave. We are still fortunate though that even though he is waking up he quiets down easily and does go back to sleep. I just hate he is waking up so much...that doesn't count as a good nights sleep in my book and I think an active 2 year old needs that sleep. He has been taking naps this week so I can't blame it on the fact that he is soo overtired b/c he has been taking 2 hour naps all week which I think is sufficient for him.
Anyways this too shall pass I day in a few short years I probably won't be able to drag him out of bed so its a phase in life I guess its frustrating though when he's always been a good sleeper and we have prided ourselves on "good parenting" atleast as far as schedules and sleep habits go. Its very humbling to say the least!
So today Colby and I went to Storytime at the library. We don't get to do this often it seems like other things are going on usually but today was an open day and I surely didn't want to stay home ALL day with him. So we went...he has never behaved that well during it especially the infant/toddler one...he actually does better with the older preschool children. I can say in his defense the lady who does it isn't very spunky and doesn't relate to the kids real well. I want to get him used to sitting and following directions and get him accustomed to the library. I can't get him involved in books either while there. He loves his books at home and will listen to me read at home but there all he wants to do is walk around. He ended up pitching a HUGE fit today though and I finally had to pull him between bookshelves out of the way and threaten to spank him. Its so embarrassing...I mean I know he's only 2 but when he's the only one screaming and pitching a fit I feel like they are judging us that we are not good parents and he's a horrible spoiled child. He is usually very well behaved in public so I don't know what gets ahold of him there. He finally settled down and listened to the songs and colored a picture of a train which he was proud of so all was not lost!
The topic was about cars which is kinda funny b/c I took all his cars away today for not staying in his room/bed and sleeping at night. I feel bad in some ways but I don't know what else to do and since he can't tell us what is going on we don't know if he's testing us or if he's really in pain or scared. So we'll see so far it hasn't affected him too much he asks about them and I tell him they are in timeout b/c he didn't stay in his bed last night. Hopefully he learns. I will probably give atleast one of his favorites back by this afternoon if he naps well. Gotta love 2 year olds is all I have to say!

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