Friday, April 6, 2012

Day at the Park

Today I took my 2 sweeties to the park by myself! This was only my second attempt at this feat! I must say it was SO much easier then last time too! The weather was beautiful and we had a great time! There were several other kids out there so that made Colby happy. He gets bored when we are out there alone. We actually stayed an hour! I can't remember the last time we stayed at a park that long! usually after 10 minutes he is telling me he is ready to go! I loved watching him play and have a good time! Lindsay was so well behaved too! I just put her forward facing in the stroller and she cooed and talked. She was so good to let big bro play for an hour. I feel very good about the morning. It gave me confidence to know I will be able to keep them both entertained this summer as well! Lindsay is starting to get on an easier schedule which I am trying to line her bottles up with our meal times so that every month as she gets closer to eating solid/table food she will be able to adjust easier. She slept late this morning which was nice....I had Colby and myself pretty much ready so after she ate we went to the park. It was also good b/c then she wasn't due to eat again until almost noon which guaranteed us a good while at the park. My friend Jenny and her sons Braden and Jude met us there. The babies ofcourse were in their strollers and the boys played. I loved the weather! I hope we can do this more often now that Lindsay is big enough to sit up in the stroller I think she likes that better then sitting in the carseat! She fell asleep on the ride home so Colby was able to play outside for about 10 more minutes before we all came in. I got her situated for a nap then he and I ate lunch and I read to him. I am trying to have a positive attitude and look at each day as a fun time to play with my babies rather then getting so stressed about schedules and naps! I have learned naps are great but if they don't happen they don't and I can't get upset over that! The only downside to this day is Austin is sick with a bad case of bronchitis. I hate he is sick right here on Easter weekend but thank goodness he went to the doc today and got some meds for it. Hopefully he will be on the mend by Sunday. He's coming home early to rest. Hoping the kids well mainly Colby will let him rest! I thought I would get a good nap out of the kids today but that hasn't been the case...Lindsay has woken up a couple times and Colby shot out of his room before 2 when the doorbell rang! GR I hate when naptime is disturbed like that! Oh well he hasn't had a nap all week so he might be over them but least he's going to bed early!

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