Thursday, February 9, 2012

Post Office Field Trip

Today Colby had his first field trip to the post office! Today is not normally one of his school days but the entire class was invited to go. I brought him to school around 9. He got to play in class for a few minutes while we waited on the others to get there. I ended up driving us over there since I had a van several others rode with us. I had planned on taking Colby & Max but Mrs. Lyn his teacher also asked to ride with us along with Mrs. Laurie and her daughter Sydney. I think Colby liked having so many people with us =) When they got to the post office the first thing they did was stand in line to buy stamps for their Valentine letter they made at school, then they got to put it in the box to mail it off. After that they got to go in the back and see where their letter went. We got a tour of the whole process of mail from loading the mail truck, to how they sort the mail, etc. It was very informative...I'm not sure how much of the "facts" Colby picked up but he seemed to enjoy himself. I think he mainly enjoyed the company of his friends. The post office even gave them "treats" when they left it was a package with a coloring book, colors, and candy. I thought it was a sweet little field trip. I can't believe my little boy is already going on field trips though! I was glad I got to go with him and experience his 1st field trip! Lindsay stayed at home with my mom...we are still trying to keep her in this week so she can fully get well plus I want to try when either of them have "special" days to just take them so that my focus can be on that one child rather then their sibling too. I think its important to spend time alone with each child. And thanks to having grandparents in the city which I am so thankful for that is possible!

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