Friday, February 3, 2012

Welcome to the Sick Ward...

Ugh so we are still battling this nasty bug at our house! Colby is finally about over his thankgoodness but it seems he has passed it on to Lindsay and I. I mainly just have a sore throat. Lindsay has been stuffy, sneezy, and coughy for the last 2 days. I feel so bad for her. She is still eating though and sleeping like a champ! I can just look at her though and tell she doesn't feel good although she still smiles at me when I walk in her room! I hate she caught it this young but I guess it was ineveitable. I know its different with the second child they are going to pick more up b/c of the older siblings. Colby didn't get his first real sickness until about 6 months old. He did have bronchiolitis though I am praying hers doesn't turn into anything like that. Basically with a baby you can do nothing when they have a cold but try and make them comfortable. She already sleeps with a humidifier and I'm trying to get the nasty junk out her nose when I can. We even bathed her last night and turned on the shower so that the steam might help loosen it up. I know it takes babies longer to get over stuff so I know we are atleast looking at a week before she is over it. So basically we will be dealing with sick kiddos for atleast 2 weeks around here. I'm trying to avoid taking her in...she has to go next Monday anyway for her 2 month checkup but I like to avoid the doc office at all costs b/c I feel like we have more of a chance of picking something else up there!
Oh and to top it off our cats have been sneezing like crazy guess they are sick too! This is our usual Jan/Feb mess though. Colby has been sick I think every Jan or Feb since he was 6 months old!

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