Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Our last few days

So I will do a little recap from Sunday. Colby and I skipped church Sunday since he has had the stomach bug. I think he would have felt ok to go but I didn't want to expose any other kids to his germies. I also was worried that he would have diarhea or something while he was in the nursery. It was nice to stay home and relax though. We watched all the Super Bowl live stuff throughout the day. Oh and after Colby's nap though he had a major explostion. I put him to bed in a t-shirt and just a diaper. So he had diarhea and man it went everywhere. It was all over him, his sheets, blankets, bumper pads, matterss pad! So needless to say I had to throw him in the bath and then strip his bed! Austin had to work but fortunately got hom in time for the game. We enjoyed watching the game as a family. Colby wasn't in the best of moods though and I kept getting aggravated with him b/c I felt like I couldn't really get into the game. We decided to bathe him and put him to bed during halftime. Thankgoodness we got to enjoy the 2nd half! Maybe in a few years he will be old enough to understand the importance of the game and we can let him stay up with us.

Yesterday Austin was off so we had a nice quiet family day. Colby began the day again though really whiny. We had a Target trip planned and it was such a beautiful day we swung by a park first to let Colby play. He had the best time. It made me wonder if he just wanted to get outside. He climbed and played on the slides for about 30 minutes. Now that he is getting older I have got to try to make a practice of bringing him to these places. After he got out some energy we went to Target. I had to stock up on some Valentine's stuff. I got Colby's gift and some Valentine's stuff for our preschool party on Sunday. We got Colby a leapfrog puppy that is supossed to talk and sing. You hook him up to the computer and download different things. I am anxious to see how it works. I also picked up Valentine's for Colby to send to his little friends. I know he's young and he doesn't get it but I figured it was a neat idea. People love to get real mail so I figured this would be fun for some of his lil friends. Colby also still had the diarhea he went twice yesterday. I hear that stuff sticks around for awhile so I hope it goes away soon! Poor baby I know thats not fun at all. He's also gotton picky again with his eating and I can't figure out if its b/c of all the stomach issues or because he is also teething. He has gone in and out of the picky moods of and on so I am hoping its just a phase with his teeth and he'll go back to the way he was. It depresses me b/c this time last week he was pretty much eating anything and everything.

So today Colby had Gymrompers I decided to go ahead and bring him. I don't think he's contagious anymore. I knew he wanted and needed to get out of the house more then anything. He ended up having a blast. He even "cleaned up" whenever they sang the song! I was so proud of him! He is learning so many new things each week we go. I am so glad I chose to do this class with him. Its a special time for me and him. Other then Gymrompers we stayed in the rest of the day. We watched the Saints parade on tv. I really wanted to go. But Austin had to work and didn't get home until 7. Plus it was cold and I really didn't want to drag Colby down there. But it would have been awesome to be there in person! Colby has eaten pretty well today better then the other days....he still shakes his head no but I think his teeth are bothering him. He only had diarhea once so I am hoping by Friday we will see the end of that! I hear it takes about a week for that to go away! But he was begging for my tacos tonight from Taco Bell so that makes me know he must be feeling somewhat better!

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