Wednesday, May 19, 2010

2 Fun Play Days!

So my little guy has had a busy/fun week! Monday was storytime. Yesterday was Gymrompers and today we went to the Children's Museum!

Let me go back to yesterday at Gymrompers, he had a good time. Although he is going through a phase of when my parents are there with us he wants to be a baby and go cling on to them when he gets upset about something. The last 2 weeks they have been with us they end up having to leave. I know they enjoy watching him and its fun to have them along but they really are distracting. Once they leave Colby does great! And its not that my parents are even drawing attention to themselves Colby just wants to go love on them. Its all well and good any other time but in a class that we paid for and he only has 1 more time to go I want him to get the most out of it! I know he loves it. So once they stepped out he did fine. I think he will miss it but since we have done it for almost a year I think its time for something new. The teacher has been great though...she is so sweet and I just feel like he has learned so much!

After Gymrompers we spent the rest of the day at home. It was really hot outside and the ozone was bad so we didn't even play outside. I think we were both really tired. But Austin suprised us and came home really early. It was a nice suprise! I really wasn't expecting it! I wish we could have spent the afternoon doing something fun but I think we all needed the rest so we really didn't go anywhere. We did pick up chicken and mashed potatoes for everyone at Chili's. This is what I was going to cook but since Austin got home early I knew he wouldn't want to spend that time in the kitchen so we opted for takeout. We did get to have a nice family dinner at the table which we haven't done in a loong time! After dinner a really bad thunderstorm came up so we weren't able to walk. Colby also had a pooping problem yesterday...he hadn't gone since Saturday. I knew he had to go and was just holding it in. He is either getting close to potty training so he is embarrassed now or he gets busy playing and forgets then it hurts I dunno. But it was obvious he wasn't comfortable last night he kept climbing around and whining so finally I took him and put him in his room alone and shut the door. Austin thought I was being mean but I knew it would be the only way to solve his problem. Sure enough after like 15 minutes he had pooped! Poor guy you could tell he felt so much better!

So today we didn't have anything specific happening so I thought it would be a good day to do something with Colby. I thought of the Children's Museum because its almost too hot to go anywhere outside these days. I am so glad we did because Colby had a blast! He played so hard! We stayed in the toddler area for like an hour. His favorites were the stairs, the padded climbing thing, the train table, and the touchy flowers. He was soo busy! After some of the crowd left we took him to the little grocery store part! He was so cute filling up his buggy with groceries! He played in there for a good 15 or more minutes! After that he was worn out so we came back home. Then I made him a pb and j sandwhich and put him down for his nap! I think he is taking a good one because I haven't heard him in awhile! We will probably try to play outside later today. Hoping Austin gets off early again!

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