Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hot, Sunny, Summer Days

So summer has officially arrived in Nola. I think we were so spoiled by a cool spring that the heat has taken us all by suprise! Its just been in the last week too that it has just gotton SO hot! Let me just catch everyone up on our week!

Thursday I had a haircut so Colby spent the morning with my parents. I always enjoy my haircuts because I get to veg out a little plus carry on a conversation with another adult for 2 hours uninterrupted. After my haircut I picked Colby up and Austin was already at home. He had taken off the afternoon so he could mow the yard and catch up on some house things. Since he started this job he hasn't been off work a ton. After Colby's nap that afternoon we went out to eat at Adam's Catfish. We haven't been there in forever plus I thought catfish would be a nice change of pace! It wasn't crowded at all...we got there a little after 5! Colby loved the catfish and mac n cheese! We all enjoyed the meal. I always like their catfish b/c they don't have a real fishie taste and are cooked just right! I see us going back there soon! After we ate it was still daylight but cooler out so we thought we would take Colby to Mell Ott to play. We didn't stay long because it was completely overrun with kids! And ofcourse Colby wanted to play on the big kid area where all the kids were. He had fun on the little one though for a bit! Then we came home and took a walk.

Friday Colby and I had to grocery shop. After grocery shopping Colby always wants to go outside. So we went out and I didn't know Austin had put the baby pool out for Allie to cool off in. Well I decided to fill it up with cool water. Well Colby enjoyed the hose so much he wanted to get all the way in. I really didn't feel like bringing him in and changing his clothes so I said what the heck I would just let him swim in his diaper...well I found out quickly how absorbant those diapers are. I took it off and it probably weighed 6 lbs! So then he just swam in the nude. I always said I would never do that haha but since it was just him and I and we were in our backyard I said why not?!? Allie even joined in the fun! It was quite a picture! Finally when it was time to come in he was not happy with me at all. We spent most of the rest of the day inside since its SO HOT!

Today was a church workday for the preschool playground. Well austin was off this morning but had to go in later so him and I couldn't work. We felt bad not to contribute anything at all so we decided to get breakfast for all those involved. We just drove out to the church and dropped it off. I was glad we atleast got Colby out of the house. He didn't seem to notice that we drove all the way over there and he didn't get out. We promised him when we got home he could swim in his baby pool! So as soon as we got home we changed into his bathing suit and we headed out. He spent about 45 minutes out there. He did not want to come in. We pretty much have to drag him kicking and screaming in the house! After swimming we ate lunch and I let him play up until Austin had to leave for work. Austin left around 12:45 so then Colby went down for his nap. It was nice to relax and take a nap myself...this heat just wears me out! The afternoon wasn't too exciting just playing with Colby. We took an hour long walk. We didn't go very far its just that Colby has to visit with all the neighbors as we go. He's so funny! He loves to stop in at Mrs. Doris' house. Its really neat though b/c she was like a grandma to me growing up so now she is playing with my little boy and being like a great grandma to him! Its really sweet! He discovered she had a red wagon and she pulled him down the street in it! He did not want to come home! My mom always told me sometimes when I was upset I would call for my "doris" instead of I think Colby may be calling for Mrs. Doris too! He loves her house! So then we got home and I got to do the whole bedtime/bathtime routine alone. It wasn't bad...its definitely easier then when Colby was a baby! But I still miss the hubby! Colby has been really good though I think he knows daddy is gone and he needs to be good for mommy! We had a good time...its not as lonely now that Colby is getting older b/c he is like a buddy now to me! Well its been a good day! Austin should get home in about 2 hours. I guess I am gonna try and stay up! Tomorrow is church though so its another early day for us!

Yesterday I had to grocery shop so Colby and I did that. Well when we got home Colby always wants to go we went out and I didn't know that Austin had got the baby pool out for Allie to get in and cool off. So I started filling it up for her...well ofcourse Colby wanted in. At first he was content just playing with the hose and splashing but he eventually wanted all the way in!

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