Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Weekend

Ok let me start off by saying I can't believe I didn't take a single picture yesterday! I meant to bring my camera to my parent's house but forgot it sitting by the computer last night since I was uploading pictures.

Well we had a great day and I am truly thankful that we have a day set aside to remember all those men/women who fought and died to keep this country free. I think this day means more to me the older I get. Anyway our day began since Austin was off with him mowing the yard. So while he did that Colby and I played inside and got things ready to head to my parent's. We tried to play outside at one point but it started raining on us so we had to come in.

We got to my parent's house around 10:30 and went swimming right away to dodge the rain. Colby once again had a blast! He is gonna be a tan, blonde headed, fish before the end of summer! He already is there! He's so cute in his swimsuit and swim shirt and little floaties! We swam pretty much right until lunch was ready! Colby was having a blast! He is doing so well in the pool! I am quite proud of him. We ate lunch and Colby did really well and ate well. I thought about letting him stay up since it was a holiday but he was getting cranky and I knew we wouldn't be able to just sit and visit! Fortunately he loves his naptime so it was no problem getting him settled down for a nap! Since my parent's got him a crib there he sleeps so well! He slept for almost 3 whole hours. It was nice having him down we were able to visit with Randall and Elizabeth a lot more.

After Colby's nap we decided to come on home because Allie had been in her kennel all day and we needed to let her out. The rest of the day was pretty low key from there we just hung out at home and played with Colby.

Today has been another great day so far! Austin went in for a half day of work. Colby and I decided we would try the park again since Saturday we got rained out! I was hoping one of our friends would meet us there but no one showed up. It was ok though Colby and I still had fun. It was pretty hot but Colby didn't seem to mind. He played on all the equipment, pushed his police car around, and drank juice oh and watched for trucks on the road. It was a fun time! He also came home a sweaty, stinky, muddy, mess! Such a boy! It was cute though! He had muddy shoes, muddy socks, and mud stains on his shorts and shirt! Ahh well I guess thats a sucessful trip to the park! I also ended the trip with stepping in ants! OUCH! I am glad it was me though and not Colby...he would have flipped out! I only got bit once though thankgoodness!

When we got home we were suprised to hear that Austin was on his way home as well! We are planning on enjoying the rest of our day as a family! Colby is now napping and Austin is doing some honey do's and I am fixing to take my nap! I think tonight we may go out as a family!

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