Wednesday, January 19, 2011


This has continued to be a great week! I am so thankful for this week especially after our week last week of cabin fever!
Yesterday Colby had preschool so I dropped him off then went to our church with my friend Laura to work in the nursery. It was really fun just being able to work and chat with a friend plus feel accomplished with what we did! Austin got to pick Colby up from school which I think was a treat for both of them! When we all got home we ordered pizza and ate and watched tv before naptime.
That afternoon we hung out and played outside and took another bike ride. When Austin is off we all enjoy just being together and doing fun things! It was very nice and relaxing!
Today Colby and I stayed in other then the grocery store! He is so good in the grocery store. He loves to name all the foods and then flirts with the workers! He has been going to the grocery store with me since he was about 6 months old weekly so he knows the routine and loves it!
Tonight we decided to go to church! We rarely go on Wednesday nights honestly I think the last time we went...we used to go more when he was a baby but we haven't been since he was like 11 months old. We just get so busy and so tired but my New Years Resolution was to try to be more involved not only for me but for Colby. I am so glad we went. It was a nice evening. We went for dinner. We got to visit with our friends Josh and Laura and Kristie and Brent. Both have little boys. There is Cade who is 1 1/2 and Jonathan who is 2 months. They are both Colby's buddies! During church Colby was in the nursery. They have Mission Friends for the preschoolers. He was in a class with Jonathan and Emily who is 3. Cade had to leave b/c he was sick. I think Colby had a lot of fun...he was so busy playing when we picked him up that he didn't even notice we were there!
Now we are just relaxing and tomorrow is another busy day with MDO for Colby and MOPS for me!

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