Sunday, January 30, 2011

Precious Time

Today I was reading in my quiet time and the subject was time we spend with our children and how they are gifts from God. Its so easy to get caught up in life and let those precious moments slip away. I try to take in every day and enjoy it for what it is. I try never to "wish" for the next stage in Colby's life b/c each moment passes so quickly. Even though I feel like I have tried to do this he is growing up all too fast! It seems like he should still be a 6 month old baby. I just wanted to quote some of what the article said because I liked it so much.

" I realize my time with my children is short. Even now I see it as precious time that I will never get back. So I'll just have to figure out how to fit in all the other things that have to be done but are not as important. My house may still be messy sometimes, but what will they remember? A perfect house, gourmet meals, a harried mom? Or will they remember our precious times of reading, games, crafts? I know which type of memory I will choose.

God gives us our children as a sacred trust, a stewardship. And while we have a great responsibility to raise them to know Him, He also wants us to enjoy thetm and revel in the gifts that they are. Treasure your precious times with your children. You won't regret it."

This just really spoke to me. I feel like I do treasure most of my time with Colby and try to enjoy each moment we have together. But I know there are those times when I am stressed and annoyed that this needs to come back to my mind. Children are a gift from God. I want Colby to have memories as us having fun and enjoying each other as a family. This is why we are always trying to make the most of the days Austin is home.

My hope is not only for myself but all those out there with children that you will just take time to love on them and make memories. You don't have to go on fancy vacations or buy them the latest, best toy just give them your time. That is what they will remember!

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about this a lot today since its a snow day. It's the perfect day to enjoy my precious gift, Jude! Trying to fight the urge to grade papers :)
