Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Big Boy Hair

Well another milestone has taken place that brings Colby out of babyhood into full little boy/toddlerhood. He had his first haircut today! He has really good hair and probably could have waited on a haircut for a few more months but some days the back would look straggly and other days it looked fine. Ofcourse today his hair was perfect but we already had the appointment so we had to go. It made me a little sad on the way over there to think this is just one of many ways my little boy is growing up all too fast. I knew he would look different ya know. But at the same time it is exciting and I figured he would be cute and all trimmed up before the holidays! We took him to the ONLY kid place in the metro New Orleans area. It was out in Kenner so kinda a long drive but I figured it would be worth it since they are trained to work on kids hair. We got to the place and it was really cute. They had cars and airplanes for chairs and movies going and lots of toys. I knew Colby would do just fine! He loved sitting in the car. He even did wonderfully for the first half of the haircut. He was content just "driving" the car and playing with toys. He did not like though when she brought out the trimmer. But I don't blame him I would not like that part either! He definitely hit a melt down at this point but it was almost over anyway. I think she did a great job although it is a little shorter then I really wanted but hey its hair it will grow back. She said he is going to have lots of hair so it will probably grow in even thicker now which should be cute! Anyway we are all done now! They even gave us a certificate and a lock of his hair....aww sad but least we can put it in the baby book!

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