Thursday, November 5, 2009

Our week so far and visit with Baby Jax

Well this has been a good week so far! We have had gorgeous weather! I am loving this fall weather now I am hoping though it gets a little colder close to Thanksgiving. Last year it was hot on Thanksgiving so I hope this year its cold. far this week we've been pretty busy. Tuesday we had Gymrompers. Colby did pretty well he got a little aggitated towards the end and acted like he was ready to go...I don't think he does as well in the bigger class I dunno? I think he is more distracted and doesn't seem to pay as much attention the teacher. I guess it is a little overwhelming. But I do like the variety of kids he gets to see so I guess we will stay in that one plus the teacher is better. Yesterday we went grocery shopping that was our big outting for the day. Today Colby and I mainly just hung around the house for the first part of the day then we got out after his nap and went to visit Casee and baby Jackson. He was so cute and so little. I swear I don't remember Colby ever looking that little. I guess he really wasn't because Jackson is 7 lbs and the smallest Colby ever was was 7 lbs 9 ounces. Colby did really well. I was a little nervous about how he would act at someone else's house and around a newborn. But he did well he was mainly distracted with their dog Roux. He is a black lab just like allie so he felt right at home with him. I love that he isn't scared of animals at all. He let Roux get all close to him and didn't even flinch. I got to hold Jax a couple times and it didn't seem to bother Colby I am not sure that he really realized that Jackson was a real baby he gets more jealous with kids his own age I guess...I guess they seem more of a threat? Anyway we had a good time visiting. I hope Colby and Jackson grow up as friends. Casee and I grew up our whole life together so that would be kinda cool! They are 15 months apart but once they are older that really won't mean much! They will be 2 grades behind though but still I think thats ok. Well tomorrow we are going to visit my parents so I will try to take pictures of Colby over there!

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