Monday, November 2, 2009

Saints and Dinner with Old Friends

Well tonight Austin and I got to do something we rarely do! Go out to eat with friends! We went out to Chili's with our friends Josh and Laura. They moved back to New Orleans about a month ago. We have been wanting to hang out with them for a few weeks but our schedules have been so crazy! So tonight we finally go to go! My parents came over to watch Colby. It was nice to sit at a restaurant with adults and talk about stuff that didn't have to do with kids. I love my lil man but we rarely get to do stuff like this. Its rare that Austin and I even hang out with friends. I mean he has his friends at work and I have my friends that I mostly talk on the phone to but its rare we go out with another couple. So this was a treat! We came back to our house and my parents had already bathed Colby and put him in his pjs. That was a treat too b/c then all he had to do was drink his milk and he was off to bed. So Laura and Josh stayed and watched the first half of the game with us. We hope to do this once a week with them. I do think Austin and I need to make more of a point to do stuff like this. Its good to get out ya know and like I say we rarely do it. We are both homebodies and it seems like we get so into our routine of coming in after work and just dealing with Colby that we forget to have a life. So it was a nice refresher for us. Tomorrow though is back to mommy time. Colby and I have Gymrompers which I am excited to have him back to his big toddler class. Anyway I will close with a picture of Colby from a year ago and one from recent!

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