Saturday, October 17, 2009

15 Months!

I can't believe my baby is 15 months now! It seems like he was just a tiny baby now he's a walking, talking toddler. He is still doing lots of new things. I think he learns new words all the time some of his latest are (truck, up, I do it, and many others). He seems to really enjoy learning and every new experience he enjoys and soaks up! I am so glad he is entertained with small things. So far he is not into tv and I am grateful for that. I mean some days I wish he would sit down for 15 minutes and watch a show while I get stuff done but I am glad he isn't a couch potato kid who would rather sit in front of the tv then explore. So far we don't even have a DVD player for our car! Almost everyone has those these days. And I hear of so many kids that can't ride in the car without them much less travel without them. We debated when we drove to TX a couple weeks ago if we should purchase one. We decided not to and Colby did fine! He was entertained by looking out the window, and playing, and having us talk and sing to him. I hope he stays this way! I think he will be better off for it! Anyway he is walking really well basically almost running. We go to the doctor Monday so we will know his stats. He was 25 lbs at a year so I would guess he is maybe up to 27? The last time he had only grown an inch since his 9 month so I would guess he has atleast grown an inch or 2? We'll see though! The pictures at top are from 3 months and now.

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