Saturday, April 24, 2010


Today we decided kinda last minute to take Colby to the aquarium. It was a rainy, nasty day so nothing outside would have worked. Colby had only been 1 time before and he stayed in the stroller most of the time b/c we were with 2 other mommies and babies. I hoped today he would be able to walk more. But being a Saturday it was pretty crowded.

Colby loved the entrance tunnel and he played peek a boo with a scuba diver man. We let him walk for some of the parts but he would mostly just want to walk and not even pay attention to the fish. We had to either pick him up or set him on the sides of the exhibit to really get him to look. He paid attention to some fish but I think after awhile fish were just old news. Once we got to the play area he really had a blast! He loved climbing up and coming back down. There were about 6 other kids up there but it didn't seem to bother him at all. We eventually had to drag him away kicking and screaming (literally). I think he would have stayed there all day. There was another play area in the next room so he and Austin played around in that. It was cute to see them play together! I know Austin misses him so much during the week while he works so I tried to back off mostly and let the 2 of them spend time together. After that he wasn't too interested in fish anymore. He basically just melted down after that he didn't want to be in the stroller or look at fish he just wanted to roam around. We hit the giftshop on the way out and he ended up with a toy scuba man. He loves that thing! I figured it was appropriate since that seemed like one of his favorite parts was playing peek a boo with the scuba man.

It was a fun time I am glad we braved the weather and went! Good thing about being members too we can go for short visits like that and not feel like we wasted our money! I hope we can go back soon I actually wouldn't mind taking him this week if I can round up a friend to go with us!

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