Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Colby's bobo

So first I have to say gosh my little boy is so tough. He gets banged up and scraped up all the time now and it hardly seems to phase him!

Well tonight we had a big uh oh accident. We were leaving to go on our walk and now Colby insists on walking like a big boy so he was already in the sidewalk when Austin and Allie went to run ahead of him. Well as Colby was walking and Austin and Allie were going they all seemed to get tangled up leaving Allie's leash to catch around Colby's neck knocking him to the ground with his little head hitting the concrete! Well my heart just stopped for those couple of seconds until I could see he was ok. His head was a little scraped and bruised but it wasn't major swelling or anything so it must have sounded worse then it really was. He ofcourse was crying but I think it scared him more then anything as it seems it always does. I think his pride gets hurt way worse then his body! I quickly brought him in though to get a cold pack and just make sure he was ok. He was more upset at this point about being drug back in the house I think. After I cleaned him up and could tell he was alright we decided to go on with our walk b/c Allie and him were already excited about it!

And as a tough boy that he is...he continued to walk almost the entired block by himself. I swear he will play football but that makes me nervous b/c as much as a cringed tonight and keep replaying him falling in my mind I can't imagine watching from the sidelines as my little guy got tackled! So anyway he seemed fine as the night went on he played in the tub and all as usual. Ofcourse I am still a little worried and still can't get the picture out of my head. But I just thank God that it wasn't more tragic because it could have easily been. Luckily there wasn't even any blood shed. Guess I have to get used to these things happening with a rough, tumble little boy! But my heart will never get used to seeing my little boy get bobos.

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